IOS 15

AI Generated Transcript:

Okay folks, it is 8 p.m. and we’re going to start our presentation for this evening. I’d like to welcome everyone to our very first presentation of Apple Bits. I would like to just make a few announcements just before I turn it over to Herbie. Herbie will be our presenter this evening and he’s going to talk to us about the iOS 15 and I’m sure we’re going to have a lot to learn, guys. The one announcement that I’m going to make just to let people know that this presentation is being recorded and those of you who are Bits members, you will be able to download the presentation once it is up on the website. If you are not a Bits member, you will not be able to download the presentation. However, you can go to our website if you choose to join Bits and that would be and on that website you will be able to subscribe and join Bits. At this time, I’m going to turn over this presentation to Herbie Allen who will be our presenter. I will be your host for this evening. I’m Rosanna Bodry and I will let you know when it will be time to raise hands. At that point, I will go over the raised hand information. All right, then thank you there, Rosanna and hello everyone. Welcome to Apple Bites for September 28th, 2021. My name is Herbie Allen and I am going to present tonight on many of the highlights on iOS 15. Just a disclaimer, I’m not going to get to everything. There’s definitely a lot, but I’m going to get to what I think are the highlights. Without further ado, let us get started with this. So with iOS 15, they have made a lot of new changes with voiceover and basically some pretty cool things. And I’m going to start with a new feature called Quick Settings. We’re going to go by opening voiceover in settings. Open accessibility in settings. Okay, so we’ve now got the accessibility settings opened and we’re going to view. Sorry, swipe right to voiceover. Accession voiceover voiceover. And I’m going to start from the bottom of the screen. What Quick Settings is is a brand new and perhaps more efficient way of getting to your rotor settings. Now you can customize your rotor gesture and that’s all fine and dandy, but especially people who are first learning how to use their phones, they may find this method a little bit easier to learn. And what the Quick Settings are is a two finger quadruple tap. But in order to make use of them, we need to have them customized first. So I’m going to go to the bottom of the screen because it’s a lot easier to get to them from there. Double tap timeout. And I just did a four finger single tap and I’m going to swipe left. Caption panel, large cursor, navigate images, navigation style, quick settings button. And I’m going to double tap on the quick settings activities. So quick settings heading now. This is where I can adjust what is in my quick settings rotor activities. So the first thing it has is activities. Notice it does not say selected. Alright, finally, we get to something that’s selected. So you can tell how often I use activities and always speak notifications. I don’t and I could reorder them and move them to the bottom of the screen. But something I need to show you here now. So direct touch, we’ll re select, re or selected audio ducking actions available. Notice it says audio ducking actions available. And so here, if I double tap that audio ducking notes on selected, I can double tap it again and select it. Move up, move down and I can also move it up, move down. Reprail alert messages, reprail auto advance, re selected, braille input. So I think you get the idea. There’s a number of things here that you can select and unselect in your voice over rotor. So what now do I was it like to actually access it? We’re going to do our two finger quadruple tap. Voiceover settings heading. So notice it says voiceover settings heading and now I’m going to swipe to the right with one finger. Done button. This is our done button. So once we’ve customized what we want to do here, we do have to hit our done button. So this is not as on the fly as the rotor is filter search field. We can search for something here. Audio ducking on adjustable. OK, now here is a bit of verbiage that I don’t like. It says audio ducking adjustable. Now, usually when voiceover says that something is adjustable. That tends to imply swiping your finger up and down. However, if we were to swipe up and down. We get logo other and whatnot. That’s not going to work out too well. What we have to do is use our two finger, one finger double tap if we want to adjust something like audio ducking. Now my audio ducking is off. But now let’s say if I want to adjust my volume level, I’m going to do my four finger single tap to go to the bottom of the screen. Volume 50 percent button adjustable. This one, even though it is a same adjustable again, but this time it is adjustable with our swipe up and swipe down. 60 percent 70 percent 60 percent. We can only go in. Yeah, 50 60 percent. This is the voiceover volume volume hitting 60 percent. Adjust volume hitting voiceover settings back and interesting. If we actually press it like a button, it basically takes it into its own little window. 60 percent 50 percent voiceover settings back. But voiceover so you can actually isolate it a little bit if you want to. Done button. All right. I’m going to go back to the previous screen now. I’ve got everything adjusted the way we know 50 percent 60 percent. I want to make sure you all can hear voiceover. So I’m just going to have it a little bit louder. Done button. OK. Now that is done. So that is your new quick settings with voiceover. Definitely have some fun with that. And you may find you do like it better than the rotor. You may find you do not. There is a new thing that voiceover has introduced now called navigation style. And I’m going to show you that real quick. Voice up. So I’m going to go back and then we’re going to go back to the bottom of our screen. Caption panel. Large cursor. Navigate images. Navigation style. Flat button. Navigation style flat. If we go in here. Selected flat group. I can switch between flat and grouped if I want to. Voiceover navigates by moving. I so far have not had a use for grouped where I have seen it demonstrated is Jonathan Mosin’s much Mosin at Large podcast. He showed how you might use it in the weather app. It’s designed to simulate Mac type navigations. And maybe they’ll become useful over time. Maybe not. I don’t know. I think I like my voiceover to be normal. But then again I’ve been using the iPhone for 10 years too. So I’m just old fashioned. I don’t even use the back tap gestures. So not voiceover voiceover voiceover. OK. Now navigate. So but the default setting is flat. So if you are having weird navigation issues make sure that is navigation style. I don’t think there’s really anything much in here to talk about. So that is primarily the new things for the voiceover gestures for that. Now there’s a couple of other things here in accessibility you may want to be aware of. If you were a low vision user in accessibility now at the bottom of the screen. Perhaps settings we have per app settings. And here you can adjust visualizations and things like that if you’re a low vision user. So maybe there’s some apps you want displayed in certain color schemes or whatnot. Now another bug access or another thing that this is a few whether people experience this or not. But many of us have if you are having trouble with your app switcher. And it’s not displaying apps correctly. What you need to do is go to the motion button and make sure your reduced motion is turned off. And that will fix that particular problem. OK. Next I want to show you a very interesting hearing accommodation that even if you don’t have any hearing impairments you still may benefit from hearing. All right. Here we go. We’re in the hearing. Here sound recognition RTT audio slash subtitles general guided access subtitles and audio slash visual button. OK. Our it’s called an audio slash visual button so it’s towards the bottom of the hearing section. Audio heading OK. You can cast headphone accommodations. We’ve had these since iOS 14. If you have certain Apple branded earphones you can adjust the way they sound including transparency mode and things like that. You can background sounds off background sounds backgrounds. So this was designed for primarily people who have like tonight and ringing in their ears and want constant sounds. But maybe you want to just drive away sounds in general. So or you might find certain sounds relaxing and want them going off in your headphones all the time. So if we go in here it’s you know you’ve got our first screen that just tells us that it’s off and that if I swipe to the right place background sounds to mask unwanted environmental noise these sound ocean button. So here we got various sounds if I go to noise bright noise dark noise ocean rain stream stream we’re going to select stream stream stream. I’m going to hit my back button. Use one media is playing on. I can tell it to play when media is playing is when media playing is on or off if I just want it when voiceover is talking volume with a place sample button stop sounds when locked off and you can have it lock sounds off when any background sounds hitting background sounds off now. Let’s if I turn them on here. I’m using that relaxing I am talking to you all from a screen and instead of doing my work and telling you what’s happening with iOS. I’m going to stop that now but I can also adjust the volume level of that and I suppose if you need some free sound effects for something this might be another way to get them. So I thought I’d go. Mentioned that so that’s what we’ve got in the hearing accommodations. Now the next thing I’m going to talk about is Siri. I’m not really going to demo anything here but there are some new things if you have an iPhone 10 S series or above and basically what you can do now is it has on device processing and what that means is for iPhone related apps you can tell her it’ll do a lot of the stuff without requiring the Internet so you can tell her to open apps other non related tasks. So this means if you’re an airplane mode for instance and you do not have an Internet connection there are some things you can do with Siri provided it does not require an Internet and you can go into your Siri settings and if you swipe down it’ll tell you if the on device processing is on or off. It does send transcripts to their servers for Apple to review your interactions with Siri but I believe those are sent anonymously. I’m not sure how that all works but knowing how privacy focused Apple is I am pretty sure that it is so they can monitor the process. I do need to mention though some people are having issues with Siri going back to 14.8 and so I’ve been told that heavy Siri users of which I am not one of them may want to not use may not want to update to iOS 15 but I don’t know if older iOS is how much of an impact that has on Siri or not. Okay next thing we’re going to talk about is focus and notifications. So this is kind of cool we’re going to get out of the main screen here and focus is a new enhanced version of Do Not Disturb and what it will allow us to do is add some very unique customizations. So the first thing we see in the focus which you can get to a course from the settings is Do Not Disturb and what that does is it doesn’t mean that your Do Not Disturb is actually on. What it does mean is that Do Not Disturb will come on when your focus mode for it is on. So I’m going to lock my screen here. So notice I have my screen locked now and I swipe to the right and it said focus mode Do Not Disturb on. All right we’ll try again there we go it wasn’t even trying but so now that it’s in focus mode it means that most notifications are muted and unlike the old Do Not Disturb they do not appear even on your lock screen you have to turn Do Not Disturb off for them to come back. Okay so I’m going to unlock my screen here. So first of all I’ve got an add button so if I want to add my own focus routine I can do that here. Do Not Disturb it’s telling me that it’s on. And then there are some customized ones you can play with you’ve got driving, personal, sleep, work, focus silences, alerts and notifications, share across devices. Share across devices so if you want these to be universally accessed you can do that across your devices but otherwise you can turn this off and each device will have to be individually customized. Turning a focus on for the turning of works. So let’s take a look at Do Not Disturb here. Do Not Disturb. So right now I’ve got my Do Not Disturb on if I turn it off then it’s going to go into personal focus instead which is just another customization. Allowed notifications. Hitting. Allowed notifications so this is what I have allowed to come through. People, Chanel, Button. People, Chanel you can tell who I think is important in my life. Apps, DoorDash, Button. Apps, DoorDash you can tell what my priorities lie, wifey and food. Anyway, we both agree on the food part but so what if I do want to add in another person or another app. People, selected, people. Okay, let’s see. I’m going to add person, remove. Add, remove all, one, button. So I can do a remove all one if I want to remove everybody that I have on my list. Add person, button, add. I’ve got an add person button. Remove, Chanel, button. And then I’ve got to remove Chanel so if I just remove her individual. Actions available, go remove. And if you want to remove somebody you have to swipe down and double tap. Allow incoming calls from you. Okay, oh no, Chanel’s been removed. I want her back. Also allow calls and add person. So we’re going to go to add person and now it’s going to bring up my contacts. Contact, search out, pervert Chanel Marie Allen. Chanel Marie Allen. And I’m going to double tap on Chanel’s name then it does not tell me that it actually did anything but if I swipe to the left. Okay, section is done, button. Do not disturb, back button, selected. People, button, apps, button, allowed people. Remove all, one, button. Add person, remove, call remove, Chanel, button. And there you go, I added Chanel. And likewise if I do apps. Add people, apps, button, selected. You know, I remember, I noticed somebody was very interested in my Braves versus Phillies notifications earlier so maybe I want those to be disruptive during my do not disturb. Like if I’m in class and I want to know the latest baseball scores, don’t tell my professors. Remove all, add app, remove, add app, button. So I can come here and I can swipe to the right. It’s app search, search, success, site, dice, world, Disney plus, dole beyond, selected, door dash. See I’ve got door dash selected. Dropbox, Duo Mobile, Cappy, ECG, ESPN, CapF, Facebook, FaceTime, FaceTime. FaceTime might be important so I’ll allow that to come through. I’m going to select that and then I’m going to go back to the top. Do not disturb, done button. And hit the done button. So now I’ve allowed people or apps and you can basically customize each little thing the way you want so you can have a group that only allows certain apps at certain times or whatever. Oh, do not disturb, do not disturb. Okay. Do not focus. Next I want to talk about notification summary. Dropbox, work, focus, share, turnings, settings, set it. So this can be useful. The idea behind this, let’s say I’m working and so I shouldn’t be looking at baseball scores. I could tell it to only send those to me at like 10 o’clock at night. And so I’m going to go to notification summaries. [ ] So it’s telling you the one scheduled summary I have. [ ] And I’ve got a time picker here. If I want to adjust that, I can double tap. [ ] We’re going to change that to zero one minute zero eight o’clock. And then we go to the Smith pop up when we’re done. [ ] Okay, LFO can be a bit annoying, but I’m going to add that into this summary. But what if I want to put in a new summary? [ ] We’re going to add summary. [ ] Okay. [ ] It’s interesting when I’m okay. Let’s see if I want to insert add summary. [ ] Add summary. [ ] Add summary. Okay, well, let me add a summary and I’m not going to fill here forever. But basically, when you do this for the first time, it’s going to tell you a daily average of how many of each of your apps, how many notifications it sends you. And then you’re going to get a notification summary on your screen that sits there until you double tap. And then you can look at your blocks of notifications. Okay, next thing I need to talk about is Safari. They’ve made a very big change with that. And that is where they put the address bar. And this has not even been popular among sighted people. And because a lot of us have muscle memory of our address bar being at the top. So when you go to Safari, you’re going to notice these tab groups. And you can do multiple tab groups if you want. And then if you swipe to the left, you can eventually get to your address bar. Now, and then you can double tap from there, you can go to page settings and adjust each page accordingly. Or if you go to Safari and settings and go to your tabs heading, if you select it to single tab, that’s going to put it back to the way it used to be. That’s how Safari works. There’s also live text. And people have wondered, is this an OCR app replacement? The answer is no. But what it will do is it’s designed to capture more for like business cards or whatever. And you can just point your camera at, you know, whatever you want to scan and open the photo camera app. And it’ll tell you if it detects the text in the photo. And then you can take the picture and it will extract the information from that. You’ve also got FaceTime now, which is really interesting. You can have group FaceTime calls as it was not in stereo. So you may have one person on your left, one person in your right. You do need to be wearing headphones for this to work. It’s supposed to work in AirPods. I have not had a chance to see if that’s the case. And I’m trying to think what else. Oh, there is no share play currently in FaceTime. So I will talk about that when we actually do finally get it, which hopefully will be in another month or so. So that is kind of a big disappointment. You can also adjust your mic settings to where it filters out more noise or widens the spectrum if you want to do the complete opposite. So that is FaceTime, at least in iOS. So those are some of the big highlights. And I am now going to get to your questions. And that’s fine if they include anything that I have not covered. Okay. I’m going to ask Ray Campbell. Can you unmute? Very quick question, Herbie. What is the earliest of the iPhone models that will support iOS 15? Do you know? iPhone SE. Okay. The original. All right. Thank you. You’re welcome. All right. Next. Okay. Okay. We have Pam. Pam, you can unmute. Go ahead, please. My question is, when you turn the motion, the motion… Reduce motion. Reduce motion off. I’ve been having it on ever since I got my… Ever since you could turn it on for some really important reason that I can’t remember. So when you turn it off, besides doing what you told us it did to fix one thing, what does it do to mess up something else? So far, it does not. The idea with reduce motion is it was slowing voiceover behavior back in the day with… Because of some animations that were also introduced with… I think it was iOS 7. And so reduce motion was supposed to help with that. Of course, I have a 12 Pro, so I’ve not noticed any difference with it being off. But in the past, it could make voiceover a little bit jumpy. Okay. I’ve got a SE 20, so maybe it’ll be fine. It should be, yes. I would think so. Thank you. You’re welcome. Okay, Gina, please unmute. Go ahead, please. Okay. So I have an iPhone 8. Do I dare try to get iOS 15? You’ve said the earliest it supported was the SE original, and I’m not sure what that means. So the SE original came out around the same time that the 6S did, which was, oh, 2016, I think. So you are perfectly fine with the 8. Okay. And Abby, Taylor, you have your hand raised. I read somewhere that with focus mode, you can set do not disturb to come on when you open specific acts, like say Zoom, if you don’t want to be disturbed when you’re in a meeting. I’m just curious as to how that works. Okay, that is a great question. And so, you know, I must admit, I’ve not fully played with that. But I think what you would do is you would go to add focus group. And okay, yeah, I should look into that again, because it’s not I have heard the same thing, and I’ve not fully played with it. So I don’t want to completely as dear you wrong, but sure, I think that’s in the automations actually, where you would go in and assign an app to the focus group, but I will need to double check that one. If anybody knows off the top of their head, feel free to raise your hand and interject otherwise I will have to double check that one because I don’t want to tell you the because that is a little bit different than saying, you know, creating a focus thing, you know, you’re what you’re wanting to do is start an app. And it immediately triggers a focus mode. Okay, Marty has his hand raised. Hurry, I don’t know if you mentioned but I mentioned last night that for those of us that had clock apps that are then banged and that we have to wait for a future. And then the other thing I think you kind of clarified it, but for the people that have numbered models, I think the success is the earliest is the earliest phone that will take the 15 up. Okay, I thought the SE was what is either like, yeah, but SE is not, you know, like, right came out. Yeah, but the numbered models. It’s the sick, right? Yeah, okay. Yes, so a numbered models. Yes, the success in terms of oldest models. I think the SE is older than its brother, but or sister, whatever gender the phones are. But definitely I’ll be more clear on that though. Yes, SE and success are definitely the oldest phones that will support iOS 15. And I’ve definitely heard people say with older phones that they think that iOS 15 runs faster. So I don’t know that it will bog your phone down if you do have an older model. We have coffee as her right hand raised. Yes, I ran into an interesting situation doing a focus automation one way or the other. I put in a location. In other words, when I go to church, right, I wanted my do not disturb, if you will, to come on when I get there. And when I leave that location, it would it would go off. The only problem is the GPS has difficulty with that location and it did not work. I got to church Sunday morning and do not disturb did not come on. And so I had to turn it on manually go to where I had put in the street number or the label for the location. And so the point is, if you have it set up to come on automatically, when you get to a given location, be sure and check it when you get there and make sure that the GPS actually registered it and it did come on. I’m so glad I discovered it when I did. Otherwise, I would have had a major embarrassment right in the middle of a church service. Hopefully, you don’t have any bad songs that for any ringtone some even super embarrassing. No, I make sure when I get there that it is right on, even if I have to turn it on manually. I’m going to tell you, though, in all honesty, I am not surprised by this. So I’ve used the find my feet like Chanel and I, we use it so that way we can see where each other is at and whatnot like because we do a lot of traveling on Metro Lift and Chanel can see if I’m still moving as opposed to if I’m not home after like three hours, which is normal for Metro Lift. But anyway, I’ve noticed that some locations it is not as accurate like it. I’ve tried to tell it to send her notifications when I get to my university or when I leave. And it’s kind of sometimes just hit or miss. So I am not surprised with that with the do that’s kind of what I figured would happen. So yeah, it’s going to be hit or miss with how well the GPS behaves itself. Ray Campbell has your hand raised. Go ahead and please. Okay. Herbie, are you aware of any issues with with Braille display interactions? I know usually we get into new iOS as we have issues. Are you aware of anything with any particular Braille displays? So I am not a Braille display user, so I can’t really comment directly. I think some people have. I hear that the Mantis is working really well. But of course, it has the QWERTY keyboard. But I think some people have had it seems like there’s always some typical problems, like you said, with Braille displays. If anybody actually does use a Braille display with iOS 15 and has any comments, that would definitely be more appreciated. I believe some people have mentioned some stuff on Jonathan Mosin’s podcast, Mosin at Large. I can also double check the Applevis to see if they mention any particular bugs with Braille displays. Yeah, and a fellow by the name of Scott Dabbard from the Helen Keller National Center, usually published is there. So I’m just wondering if you’ve heard anything. So thank you. Yep, you’re welcome. Another thing that I’m going to talk about real quick is the Find My. One thing now that it definitely does if you have air tags is it will let you know if they get left behind. So for instance, I had experience with this while traveling. I would know I had an air tag on my suitcase and it would tell me that my suitcase was now out of range. And you know, the air tag and then when I get in range at the airport, it would tell me when I was near the baggage claim that it was in range again. So that’s pretty cool. Herbie, how does that work? That’s awesome. It just automatically doesn’t. You know, I get a notification on my lock screen that Herbie’s luggage is now away. And it would tell me what to do if I needed to report it is missing or whatever. There is some new verbosity changes in voiceover. So one of the things that has changed in verbosity that I do want to mention real quick is open accessibility. And there’s one really key thing that could be useful in verbosity. So I’m going to double tap timeout. Okay, Marty, I see your hand. Let me talk about this. So let’s go to verbosity. For punctuic customize how punctuic speak hints. Always speak quick nav announcements. Speak. So if you’re using a Bluetooth keyboard, you can now have it say quick nav on or quick nav off instead of making the sounds flashlight notifications on flashlight notifications. This could be especially useful for people who do not have light perception. Let’s say you accidentally turn on your flashlight. Well now voiceover will tell you if your flashlight is turned on. If you have these notifications turned on. Another thing we have with voiceover is expanded descriptions. I don’t really care for this much because I don’t need that much detail, but you can swipe down on an image and have it show more detail. All right, Marty, or your iPhone. It says Marty’s iPhone, so I don’t know which one we’re talking to. But go ahead and unmute. I don’t know if you’re going to talk about it at all, but have have those settings been had had the AirPods been updated with that feature where I think it’s the pro where like if you leave them or something at home and you go away, it will let you know that you don’t have them with you or something. I do not think that has been introduced. So I know what you’re talking about, but no, I do not think that has been introduced yet. Debbie, go ahead. You may unmute, please. You’re talking about Siri and the onboard. Some of the things that you can do. Did you say anything earlier than a tennis? It doesn’t doesn’t have that feature. Correct. Okay. And also with Siri, if you have enable hey Siri on. Yes. If you have it enabled is what I’m trying to say. And your screen is locked, obviously, and you’re not using your hands and you have a couple of notifications on your screen. When you say hey Siri, you get the lower pitched tone and then it starts saying your notifications and then you have to say it again to get it to react. Is that a bug or? I think that is a bug. I don’t use hey Siri myself. I just like to press a button, but I think that is a bug. Also, there have been some issues if you try to activate hey Siri for the first time where your voiceover will mute. So also be mindful of that too. Okay, thank you. You’re most welcome. Jessica, you can unmute. So just a quick question. I ran into a situation. I’ve actually ran into this before where doing a magic tap to end a phone call. Will end the phone call, but it will also simultaneously mute voiceover. Why? What iPhone model do you have? 12 pound max. I have not experienced this myself. I would report that to Apple. Make sure you’re not doing a three finger double tap. Because that’s the only thing I can think of is maybe it’s getting confused with you thinking you’re trying to turn speech off, but it should not be doing that. Gina, you may unmute. Go ahead. Hey, I have something going on and I don’t know exactly what’s happening here, but it’s always been when I’m in our bedroom. It’s always been hard for me to talk on my iPhone. I used to be able to do it if I was in a certain position laying on my bed. Now that isn’t even working. It’s gotten worse. Would updating to iOS 15 help that? Am I due for a new iPhone? I mean, obviously, what phone do you have? Eight. Okay. The solution has walked out of the bedroom, but I don’t always want to do that. Okay, so that is a good question. So first of all, the answer is I don’t know if iOS 15 will help with that. I’ve not seen where it will help reception. One thing I would do though, a new phone might definitely help, not the new iOS. So that is definitely not a bad thing and you definitely get a cooler phone with 5G. The other thing though I would do is make sure your Wi-Fi calling is turned on because it should it’ll use your Wi-Fi to enhance the cell signal. And yes, and so then if it’s getting access to your Wi-Fi, that might improve your problems there. So that is something else that I would try. Go ahead and unmute, Kim. I promise not bad. Okay, can you hear me? I’m just taking a presentation. Yes, you can. Okay, awesome. So, Herbie, quick question. Can you tell me about, because I’ve heard about spatial audio and I’m wondering how you activate it with iOS 15 if you need to have special headphones to hear it. So you just need the lightning headphones for sure. That’ll definitely work. And it’s always on now with FaceTime. So the difference between FaceTime and Clubhouse is Clubhouse, you can turn it off FaceTime, you cannot. I have yet to try a group FaceTime call with Bluetooth headphones. So I do not know if it works for that or not. But with the standard pair of lightning headphones, you definitely get a stereo effect. And it was interesting. I did a group FaceTime call and I had one person on the left and one person on the right. And that reminds me now, I do need to mention something about FaceTime. But did that answer your question there, Tim? Yeah, does it work in any other apps besides FaceTime or just FaceTime? Do you know? Just FaceTime. But of course, if you have the AirPods Pro, you do get like, you know, it’s spatial audio features with various apps like TV, certain songs in the music app, Netflix, iTunes, Disney Plus, and whatnot. So you need the AirPods Pro or the AirPods Max if you want some additional spatial audio. Have you tried using the FaceTime with the web interface, Herbie? Because that’s what I need to talk about next. So I have personally not used it. I’ve seen it demonstrated on Jonathan Mosin’s podcast. But what you can do now in FaceTime is you can go to the top. In fact, I’ll just show you real quick. 1956. Open FaceTime. FaceTime. Edit button. Okay, so in FaceTime, if we go to the top of the page, create FaceTime, create link button. I can now create a link. And so if I do this, face close person, suggestion button, person, suggest purpose, person. This is one of those bugs where sharing now is rather interesting person, purse, person, and an action at copy, but close. But basically, you can have it generate a link and you can share it so that non iPhone users can participate or send it to a text group and initiate a group FaceTime call that way. And then iPhone, non iPhone users just click on the link and they’ll get a web interface that they can join. And they are part of the call. So that is something new in FaceTime. It’s more inclusive now. Pam, you may unmute. Okay, Herbie, you just said you could include somebody that’s not on a iPhone. Did you mean? The owner, Android. Yep. Android, Windows. All right, guys, like I said, next month, unless something else more important crops up to talk about, I’m going to talk about the phone app, all the things that can do. And, you know, you, you know, a lot of people do have questions about various things like how to deal with call waiting, how to do conference calls. I’m going to talk about that. I will talk about Wi Fi calling, all that good stuff. So that is my current plan for the Apple Bites session for next month. Thank you, Rosanna. Penny, you do not sound well. I hope you feel better soon. And thank you, everybody, for coming on the call. I hope that you were able to get something out of this. I apologize for the technical difficulties in the beginning. And if you do want a copy of my more professional recording that I actually did ahead of time, I will gladly give you that because that’s a little bit more structured than what I did tonight because I had more time to think about what I was doing. So, Harvey, do you have a specific way that anyone can get in touch with you if they have a question for you? So if you are BITS, you just need to email the BITS list if you’re a part of that list and you can do that. Otherwise, if you just send an email to, wow, I’m giving the wrong address,, that will also get to me. You can email or iMessage. And that address is easy enough to find. If you just Google me, you can probably find it. I’m also on Facebook, Twitter, @herbie_610. I do have a YouTube channel where I have some, not much iPhone demos, more Mac demos, but and I am on Clubhouse as well. So there are a number of ways you can find me. Thank you. I want to thank Herbie for a wonderful presentation tonight. I know we were all excited to be here. And I think I know I learned a lot. I’m sure we all did. And I would like to thank my co-host for stepping in at the last minute. Thank you very much, Penny, for helping out. Very much appreciated. And I wish everyone a great night.