2023 05 23 Apple Bytes

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[ Pause ] OK. Hello, everybody. Welcome tonight for the– and I am your host tonight. I would like to– my name is Cindy Laban and so welcome. So, I– let’s see. OK. So, tonight I will be your Zoom host for this presentation. And Herbie Allen is your facilitator. The Blind Information Technology Specialist, BITS, a special affiliation of the American Council of Blind. I haven’t memorized this yet. So, for more information, please visit our website, www.bits.bit.us-acb.org. There you will learn how to become a member and read more announcements about our programs and it is open to everyone. You can also receive announcements of activities in your email by sending a blank– sorry about this– BITS@dash announce plus subscribe at groups period I/O. In addition, BITS members can download a recording of our round tables and presentations and join our members only Facebook group. And we’ll be automatically subscribed to our discussion list. Annual dues are $20 at 10 for students, $250 for a life member, and $1.15 for an ACB life member. Please visit our website for further information. OK, Herbie, it is all yours. >> All right. Thank you, Cindy. That was your first time reading that. So, let’s start by giving you a round of applause. All right. Very good. Very good. >> I promise the next time it will be much better because I’ll get a chance for the hearse. >> All right. Well, I will make sure that you have all the other BITS events to host that are going to be occurring, but that’s actually beyond my control. All right. Good evening, everybody. We’re going to not so much quit the clonic around today because this is going to be a fun one, but we’re going to have a– well, anyway. So, I’m going to talk about voice recording apps for the iPhone and that we’re going to focus on the internal one, voice memos, and then we’re going to talk about some external apps. And we are going to talk about video recording as well. And why not? Because it does also record your voice. And if you just don’t want to deal with external apps, there are some reasons why you might want to do the video recording aspect of the iPhone. So, first of all, let’s start with an app that is as old as time. Well, it’s definitely been on the iPhone from when I was just a young and plain on Chanel’s iPhone 3GS. And that is voice memos. Oh, boy, what a very interesting app that is. And it’s kind of come a long ways from the early days, but not much has changed over the years. And it is– so, let’s talk about, first of all, why you might want to record yourself on the iPhone. There are a number of reasons from the very basic you need a way to quickly take down a number that you can refer to later on. Or perhaps you want to secretly record people and not have them know. I don’t advocate for that, but there are ways to do it. And where you need to record a meeting. The iPhone, by the way, does work with external microphones as well. And they just usually work on the most apps by default. You plug them in and away you go. My one thing, though, I will tell you with voice memos is I find that it records at a lower volume when dealing with some external microphones than some of the external applications for the iPhone. So that’s kind of why actually one reason why I got some external apps. So with voice memos, there are some things that you can do that are going to affect your recording experience. And I’m going to show them to you. And we’re actually not going to start with the voice memos app, but with the actual voice memos in settings. So let’s see, we’ve lost our connection to where it’s going to come clearly through the computer. I’d like for this to work. OK, I guess we can’t always get what we want. But it should be page one or two. Okay, characters. Open settings. Settings. All right, so my settings are open now and we’re just going to swipe right to we get to voice memos. Air white blue. Set first note. Focus screen. Gen. Can just walk back wall. See faith in battery. Private apps. Well, pass mail. Can’t count. No. Remind free voice. Phone voice memos. Voice memos. Allow voice between free form and phone voice memos. Hitting allow voice memos to access hitting location while using. Location. This is an interesting one. Why would you want voice memos access your location? Well, what it can actually do is voice memos can when you make a recording, it can actually use the name of your location as how it names the recording. So if you’re at home, it’ll actually have a recording with your home address. But let’s say that you’re at school and so that can be kind of cool, actually. So you know what the recording is that you did. Siri and search button background app refresh off. Do you want voice memos to be able to work in the background even when you have it closed? I don’t really need it to. So I have it off. I don’t know if it really affects the performance of the app one way or the other cellular data on cellular data. Why would you want voice memos to access cellular data? A very good reason, actually. It will do two things. So voice memos is going to upload to the cloud and so that’s one thing it’ll do while cellular data on. And then you can also share voice memos and we’ll talk about that in a second. Voice memo settings hitting voice memo settings clear deleted. Never been. If you want to, you can have items in your deleted items folder and you can have a delete or not. Audio quality lossless button. Audio quality. There’s two forms of audio quality here. Audio quality hitting compressed selected lossless selected compressed or lossless. Both are M4E formats. I like the lossless codec just so that nothing is lost. But by default, it is set to the compressed 256. If space is a factor, you definitely want it on this. And if you’re recording with the iPhone microphone, it probably doesn’t really matter as much. But when dealing with like external microphones and stuff, you might prefer the lossless format. Voice memos. Voice audio quality. Location based naming on. Do you want it to do a location based name? Otherwise, it’s going to do a series of numbers with the recording and it’ll end with like the number one, two, three, four. Location based naming. And let’s do that with a location name based. Location based naming as well. So that’s it for the voice memo settings. Setting closing settings. What’s app active? And now let’s actually open voice memos itself. Home social folder. Open voice memos. Voice memos record button. So right off the bat, I’m presented with a record button and let’s just take a look at the app here. Record 8,650 webinars per year. And it’s now showing recordings that were made in my apartment. Back button. And so what I’m seeing here are the list of files that are it has currently in its thing and it’s called all recordings. All recordings. Hitting it. But in search, certain webinars per year into it. And if I go to the back button, back button, it dimmed voice. All recordings recently deleted toolbar. New folder, but new folder. So I can create a new folder and have files stored in here. Voice in it dimmed in it voice memos hitting all recordings. I want to go to all recordings. OK, so now let’s actually show you the recording process here. So I’m going to go to the bottom of the file or I’m just going to record. One of the things I like about recording with this app is if you do not have a good way of doing an app demo, then using this app to record either your phone or picking up the audio from another source is a good way to go. It’s so better if you can do another source, but it will pick up your voice over. Sheep 8,650. Sheep grabber. But here now my screen, I’ve got a sheet grabber. If I go to the bottom, stop button, I’ve got a stop button. If I flick to the left duration, 35 seconds, I can see how long I’ve been recording. 8,650. Sheep grabber. But she’ll show the name of the file that it’s doing. And I can also do a two finger double tap. Record vertical scroll bar. And that also stops the recording. 8,000. 8,000. 8,000. All recording in it. But in search search 8,600. So it’s going to put my latest recording at the top. I’m going to double tap that text field. Cut menu item 19. More actions track position. And it brings up the file itself. So here I can do a couple things. Text field is editing. 8,000. 6 insertion point at start. I’m going to change the name of the file in this edit field right here because I don’t want to have my address. So now I can add it to something that I want. So let’s call this 8,650. T S space. E M O portrait demo. And that was flipped to the right. 19 12 more action 19 12. So what is available here? I use 24 hour time, but it’s telling me the time of the recording. So if I have a bunch of recordings, these are some other clues to tell me what I might be looking for. More actions. But track position. Zero seconds of 49 seconds. Adjustable playback settings. But rewind 50 play button fast forward 15 seconds. But I can rewind the fast forward. Reflections available. Delete button. I can delete this. Read Miss Brielle and to play and it’s going to show me the other files too. After this, I’m just going to play it. One of the things I like about recording with this app is if you do not have a good way of doing an app demo, then using this app to record either your phone or picking up the audio from another source is a good way. OK, shut up. Thank you. All right. Let’s go to our more action position. What else can we do with this recording? Bits demo audio recording close but copy button share button envision it button save to Dropbox but edit recording button duplicate button favorite button move to folder but new quick note button save to files button and it actions and actions. So you can see I can do a number of things with this Facebook file. Maybe I want to save it to files because I’m going to edit it with another recording program or I might want to copy it to the clipboard and then paste it in like a text message. I can share it. I can favorite it. I can even edit the recording move to folder favorite. I really do much recording but if we look in here done but done fast forward fifth play we want current waveform 20.2 seconds adjustable trim button playback settings but I can trim it duration feedback settings and let’s go back settings options hitting close playback speed hitting playback speed slider one next adjustable skip silence switch button off enhance recording switch button off enhance recording listen to the recording and enhance playback speed close button and now let’s go back to our play button. Current replay fast play but you can do another source but it will pick up your voice over. So here now my screen I’ve got a sheet grabber if I go to the bottom. OK that kind of sounds strange. All right so very good and now if I want to delete this done but done but let’s go to a done record but record vertical scroll eight thousand six hours edit search its demo text field so you see I got my demo track replay fast delete but when delete but delete eight thousand six hundred fifty Wednesday and it’s not gone to my deleted items folder and I can always get it back from there if I want. Let’s our recordings head for voice memos voice. So let’s go back a screen read toolbar new folder at our recently deleted toolbar recently deleted bits demo nineteen twelve duration voice edit but it’s going to restore it. I can swipe up to recover delete activate it. So if I double tap on the recover record it cancel cancel recover recording. And now I’m inside in my main folder there so voice memos is pretty cool. There is a lot of things you can use it for some cool things you can do with apps like voice memos and stuff for instance it’s another way of sending voice messages to somebody like if you don’t like to use WhatsApp for instance to record messages of the built in messages app you could record a voice memo and then share. Excuse me. Share via message to somebody or share it to WhatsApp or whatever and they’ll get it and they can play back the recording. OK that’s great. But what if voice memos does not suit your needs. What recording apps are there that you could use if you want to see if there’s anything else you can do with them. Well let’s take a look at a couple that I use and. Probably. Oh and another thing that voice memos is good about doing is you don’t lose your recordings when you get a phone call. 1918. It’ll I don’t think it’ll pick up where it left off. I think it just pauses it but that I’ve had some apps in the past that were not very good with that type of thing. So one app that I use is called Recorder HQ Pro. It’s about five dollars in the app store. And I like social at the time because of some things it can do with an external microphone that I have. So let’s take a look at the real screen input orientation locked. Are Portrait recorder settings. So you can see at the top it has setting setting recorder HQ heading but in file list but stereo WAV 16 bit 48 point zero K. So it can record in stereo if you have an external stereo source plugged in iPhone microphone minus 50 d.b. Record button record button a record player with. And I am recording with this just press record app and. I can record here just the same way as I can on voice memos but what is really going to make a little bit different is the settings and some of the things that you can do there that you cannot necessarily do with the voice memos. Recorder HQ button file this state minus pop stop. So here I have an actual dedicated pause button if I want to use that or I can go right to the stop button stop. Alert please input file name. Text field is editing one nine one nine five four selected character mode as a time based file name. And right now it’s set to where I have to actually change it if I want to. System default button save button don’t save button. And here I have an option if I realize that I don’t want this recording I can immediately not save it. Q don’t save but you want to save this one but 2000 audio recording seven point two thousand two thousand twenty three zero five. Close but Herbert’s MacBook let’s play dice world and here because of how I haven’t currently set up I can actually I used to automatically designate files to go to Dropbox and I’ve kind of played with some of the settings over here. I’m going to close this out setting record button file list but let’s go back to it. Playlet it but search file two thousand twenty three two. File thank you select playlist and it but search search file two thousand twenty three file name to toolbar play zero seconds. File name two thousand twenty three zero five updated about a minute file size seven point two MB quality 16 bits zero seconds played play position zero seconds zero thirty eight seconds left toolbar repeat range select button rewind five seconds button adjustable five second interval but rewind 10 rewind 15 rewind 20 seconds rewind 30 seconds here I can adjust the rewind and fast forward settings to go as high rewind 60 seconds rewind 10 seconds rewind 10 seconds. So that’s something you can’t do with voice memo. So here you can go back through larger chunks play forward tags but in system capture toolbar loop off but change playing speed one next share button merge but in trim but in trim merge the merge if I want to merge with another file. Forward tends to play zeros. This one now will do some interesting will not play through my mixer setup but selected air fight. OK you can stop so. That is interesting. But here I do have some interesting options here with it. The thing I can airplay it to another device. I have a volume control change. Check the volume. All right let’s try closing this closing recorder HQ app switch which are voice memos at home. Braille’s oh oh oh oh oh no matching apps. Oh oh oh oh oh oh five apps one of these of D. Portrait recording settings press record also very different in some ways. So let’s take a look at settings settings default prompt folder default folder system default. So you can set a default folder where things say prompt folder after recording switch button off and you can have a prompt to you if you don’t want email after recording. But I can set it so that it emails me a copy of the recording right afterwards source system default button manual input volume switch button off monitor switch button off. If I want to hear myself all recording I think I could actually do this I must admit I do not so I’ve never really played with this keep screen on and recording switch button off. Photo switch button on. Tags switch button off your phone’s remote control switch button off audio output built in speaker button. So let’s see can I just have a. Selected built in Bluetooth a 2D P Bluetooth system default prompt share after recording switch button on that fixes my little problem magic tap on record screen button. So yep prompt share file name auto generation switch channel stereo file format settings hitting record hitting file format settings hitting record hitting sample rate 48000 hertz. So here you can adjust the sample rate so this is going to depend on how clear you want things to come out file format. And here I can actually change the file format so let’s have a look at this file calf if selected well and for a MP3 MP3. So maybe you are recording it like a podcast and you know you’re immediately going to upload it and you’re not going to do any editing you might want to instead recording MP3 format so then you can just. Immediately have an upload to your thing most devices and programs are going to accept any file format you want wav is a deal for like when you want to do, especially stereo recording because it. You don’t lose anything in the equality but. file format you hitting settings settings. Range of choices. File for bit depth 16 bit but so you can do a bit depth of 2016 or 24 bit and. 24 bit that’s really going to depend on your microphone and what setting you’re going to use for that, but I find that 16 works fine channel stereo but. You can have a recording mono strictly or stereo file name auto generation prompt share after. Mix with other app switch button off. Mix another up I’ve not really play back heading audio output built in speaker number of loops none but skip interval 10s but speech to text heading language system default apple watch heading folder for watch system default. So there’s an apple watch version of this file list heading order by model share heading use iCloud switch button off. Dropbox switch button on so I have mine saving directly to Dropbox because that’s what I use more than I use iCloud Google drive switch button off and that’s another advantage with it to me though with this app like invoice memos if I want to access the file in a third part a regular computer. I still have to go to the voice memos at I have to go through an extra loop or two to get it, whereas this thing will automatically save where I tell it to you. One drive audio boom switch button FTP MP3 heading MP3 format start up heading touch ID on startup switch button off you can lock the app always show recorder screen switch button off trash heading. Preservation days two days but trash but about hitting tell a friend but. And so a lot of little interesting things you can do for if you want some more advanced recording then voice memos. Recorder closing recorder HQ. Another app that I sometimes use is just press on core social folder eight apps one item that I’ve liked about this app in the past at least it used to be good at picking up the. Stereo microphones on your built on the iPhone itself and not having to use an external source that has been a little bit iffy for me but the thing that is also nice about it it’s a third party app that has a simple interface and it does also have Apple watch support so why don’t we take a quick look at that. Open just press record. Just press record indexing iCloud drive. That’s nice progress 0% recents heading recents is currently empty in recents you can tap the record button to start recording down arrow tool iPhone microphone button low record but settings but tab bar selected recents tab browse tab search tab watch tab watch tab five a five. Watch tab here it’s progress 8% index progress watch heading the microphone that’s always with you. Just press record includes an apple watch app that gives you the freedom to record anywhere even when your iPhone microphone button record but settings tab bar settings settings done audio heading input device iPhone microphone button use stereo microphones switch button on. Custom audio settings switch file type wave dot wave but sample rate 48 kilo bit depth 32 transcription language heading so this one has a higher bit depth actually support them. Getting in some geeky stuff here, but this one’s a bit depth and. Just not just a recorded English United States storage locate iCloud drive but advanced but need help heading. heading iCloud drive and I thought I cloud drive on my iPhone legacy in app legacy but I can’t have it store anywhere else it’s limited to just either iCloud drive or on the phone was recorded each. Q pro I had a lot more third party storage options so on my settings settings settings that being said I cloud drive larger files do better uploading to iCloud drive than drop blocks so. that’s something to note settings done especially on cell data all right. Just press record the microphone that’s all iPhone microphone record I can record stop recording. Okay, no cute little tone on this one, but. I can record and I’m recording and most of these will let me lock the screen by the way. Stop recording stop record zero 13 progress for indexing I cloud drive progress 50% zero 19. Recording from iPhone microphone stare pause recording but. I thought I thought I could zero 26 yeah I can so 26 seconds okay. So there you go I can do that and stop recording but. We can stop the recording and okay it does actually make a little cute little tone when you’re setting tab box browse tab search recents tab selected recent in progress recent file 1930 36 file and again like recorder HQ pro it just does a number on the file recent. Play 19 based play but play pause. I can record and I’m recording and most of these will let me lock the screen by the way. I can see my progress. I think I thought I could. And yeah 26 seconds okay. And I can magic tap deposit 19 so yeah. Voice memos unlike recorder HQ pro it can actually record my voice in the actual in actual stereo and that’ll work on pretty much any iPhone from the 10 s and above I want to say it goes to the 10 are as well. So that would be a feature there. And the last step I’m going to show you is very interesting app called Dolby on and this is really more of a music app but it’s such a simple little app that. I’m going to talk about it anyway. Open Dolby indexing iCloud drive. Let’s see the work progress 92%. Social okay Braille screen and D.o.b.y. opening Dolby on this is actually a free app I really like it beyond for again a stereo mic setup because it can really enhance your sound. But this app can also do some very interesting things because that I’m going to show you that can really affect how your recording is turn metronome duration Mike Mike details. So we got Mike details metronome metronome I don’t use that duration zero seconds switch to video but I can switch to video recording if I want and it’ll still does not affect the mic quality record audio. And if I was in the it would say record record record record video Mike detail metronome switch to video record audio but start recording an illustration of the white circle white circle on a background recording. An illustration of the white and here I just have one option again like with voice memos the stop button duration metronome duration 14 seconds stop stop recording. I do not have a pink circle white square in the center yeah that’s nice so I do not have a pause option I only have a stop option. Record audio record switch to my metronome off settings but library but switch to live stream library. Okay so with Dolby on if you there are some things ways you can live stream with it too I’ve never really done much with this but you there are ways you can live stream to YouTube and Facebook. Record audio library now let’s go to our library edit but it felt import but track 84 recorded on Tuesday meet. So notice this one has a totally different numbering system so let’s go to import track 84 recorded on Tuesday may 23rd duration 27 seconds. I recorded in Los Angeles audio but so let’s double tap this back but track a recorded in Los Angeles recorded on Tuesday may be on. Enter full screen play but and now if I hit play. Okay I am not recording this using Dolby on and here I just have one option again like with voice memos the stop button. I do not have a pause button yet it’s nice so I do not have a pause option I only have a stop option. So for those of you on the computer you can tell that I was in full stereo there in a different way it wasn’t the it doesn’t use the stereo mics but it adds a stereo effect to your voice. And their design was for like people wanting to do it for music tracks or whatever you know that one one of that kind of effect. But I’m going to show you something pretty cool about this track 84 back back what if I don’t like the sound I want to make some adjustments. Track record it on Dolby on first of all I can turn off the Dolby effect if I want and it would sound normal into full screen but play but track position 0 seconds of 27 seconds. But here I’ve got a tools option tools style but enter full screen track position 0 style but noise reduction but tone but boost but. So let’s talk noise reduction tone this will really show what I want to talk about selected tone so I’m going to now adjust track position 0 seconds of 27 seconds play actually I’m going to show you something else. Enter full screen. I’m going to do two things let’s adjust the track close but tone accept but treble 0 adjustable so I can adjust the treble so let’s make it one two three four five six eight nine ten eleven twelve. 1315 mids 0 a base 0 a 1 2. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 base mid tone close but track position play but. Okay I am not recording this using Dolby on and. Treble 15 0 treble speech off. I do not have a pause button yet it’s nice so I do not have a pause option I only have a stop option. Except so treble 14 if you can probably remember what I sound like somewhere basey I can accept accept I will accept I didn’t like style one thing this app does is it actually starts by doing some noise reduction I don’t like that noise reduction but it’s like a turn the noise reduction close no except but noise reduction can I 5 to 1 0 0 turn up to reduce background no turn your no accept but. I can learn more close again. Play but it’s gonna sound like before I accept. Okay I am not recording this using Dolby on and here I just have one option again like with voice memos the stop button. Learn more good noise without accept noise accept accept. That’s right turn off the Dolby effect so I. Change with that second selected style first learn style accept selected and been natural lyric bump but deep been off but off. Natural and been selected standard been. Accept but what if I turn off and select it what is this and play been. Okay I am not recording close but learn more style accept and natural but selected natural. But. Speech off. I do not have a pause button except except but. So I know I can play around with how I sound before I finalize option. Pause but intervals track position select noise reduction tone boost but in dramatic but done but I just don’t have the time done but don’t be on. Now if I turn the Dolby on or off interval screen play but. Okay I’m recording this using Dolby on and. So you can see here at some. With the Dolby on don’t be off and I can turn it off I do lose. Don’t be off don’t be off the changes I made on the process now something else that I do want to mention that’s really cool about this particular app again I mentioned that it’s free. And remember what I was playing with my recordings well you can actually do this with any file you can actually import any file into the app and change how it sounds so. Let’s say you do did a recording with a completely different app and you want to you don’t like how it sounds well you can import into Dolby on and make some changes and then you can re export the file. Track 84 recorded in last list audio more let’s take a look at the favor back track back at our settings real quick settings but settings watch recording tips watch it now don’t be on demo video. Spread the shared all rate and app suggest audio option don’t be sound how can music recorded with the phone sound this good learn more countdown switch button off logo I can do a countdown if you want to three to one monitoring switch button off here audio and head for lossless audio record uncompressed 48 kilohertz 24 bitwave files. Switch button on learn more but watermark switch added screen curtain watch it now but recording tips settings but it likes to give me screen curtain on Dolby on closing Dolby on just press record active so. I just some of the recording apps that are out there I’m going to briefly talk about video you can use the camera app to record. And you just open the camera app and on the slider you can adjust it to video and then start recording what’s nice about the video is again it will use your stereo mic setup but voice memos will not I actually did leave Apple feedback on this once that I wish their voice memos app would. But yeah that’s why I know that fell on deaf ears so okay with that let’s take any questions yet that you all may have. I’m waiting. you’re waiting yeah you are so good that nobody has a question. As soon as you say that you know somebody does raise their hand. Me the huggles. I have Diane H. All right you may unmute let’s see. Okay. There we go can you you can unmute. Whoops and won’t let me get out. Oh hello I hear you now. Yeah okay because it said it wouldn’t the host is not allowing me to unmute twice. Trying to tell you something there. Yeah my question is well not really it’s related to this because you were doing it today but when you were typing in the. Names of the different recording apps you were going to where did you type those. So I use Braille screen input and so one thing you can do is on the home screen with Braille screen input you can put it in the mode. And type in the first few letters of the app that you want on your iPhone and it will bring up the results that match those things now and then you can flick down to go through the different results of you have more than one app that begins with that combination of letters. Oh I see but what if you don’t use Braille screen in Braille screen and then you can’t do that probably. Nope good motivation to learn though. Yeah. If you don’t know Braille you can at least start just by learning Braille there it says you know the Braille calls on the community. Oh I definitely know Braille. Yeah okay. Well that’s an incentive to learn Braille screen input them. Yeah that’s it. That was really cool. Oh yeah I know Braille. And that’s just one of the benefits it has being able to type more efficiently is another one so. Yeah. Oh good. OK. All right thanks. You are welcome. OK you have three hands up. Eric Eric Eric. There you go Mr. Eric. Yeah you. Eric come on. I’m doing the asking you. You should be able to mute now. Come on Eric. Yeah I know you can do it. There we are. There you go. OK I’m glad I had to say part of it once. You were kind of going too fast from our brain to take it all in. Is there a place where there’s handouts for different applications that you ran through real fast. Erby. You know that’s an interesting question. I mean you can download the recording of this if you’re a bits member and listen to it again. I’d have to really look to see if any of these apps are like listed anywhere on Apple this. And that is a good question. I would say like the apps that I particularly chose they’re really straightforward and easy to use once you download them. But I’d have to look to see if like I don’t even remember how I found the Dolby on app honestly. Because it was I don’t think it was actually through Apple this it was somewhere else and this is going back several years. And voice memos I’m sure you would be able to find a guide on with Apple this because that is a native iPhone app. So that one definitely you would be able to find handouts for but I’m not sure. At the moment the other apps in question they have like built in handouts. OK. All right you always have so much interesting information and it comes all at once. So voice memos and just press record are probably going to be the apps you’re most likely to find handouts on because those are very popular apps like especially among the blind community and whatnot. And recorder HQ Pro there’s also a recorder HQ which is very similar and I think it just does less stuff but you might be able to find handouts on that too. So all right. Well thank you Eric. Thank you. All right. Jill go ahead. Hey Herbie. My last my question is on the last app that you were reviewing. And how do you spell that because I was trying to find it on the app store and I guess I was completely OK. Good question. It is Dolby on D O L B Y space. Oh M. Oh M. And as in November. Oh OK. OK. All right. Thank you. You’re welcome. And if you still have trouble then let me know and I can always send you through community and I can send you a link to it. OK. OK Marty. Go ahead. Herbie. Yep. Good presentation. External microphones. So does that. Are you talking about like microphones and Bluetooth headsets or are there actually microphones with lightning plugs on them so that you could you know plug them into your lightning port. Good question. And there are both. So like you can use Bluetooth headsets with these voice recorder apps and they’re going to like my AirPods. Yep like your pods and they’re going to sound like you’re on Bluetooth. Just saying. But there are plenty of there are a lot of microphones out there that use the lightning connector and it’s going to be interesting because the iPhone 15 is supposed to be going to USB C. And that is probably definitely going to this kind of. I’m sure there’s going to be new products coming out that’s going to support the USBC port as well. So that’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out. Plus existing ones. And I used to have a pair of Sennheiser and video headphones. I still have them but I don’t think they make them anymore. But they can actually record in true stereo like one went in each ear. Samsung. With the lightning plugs would they would they be battery operated mics or would they know you. They plug they that are powered from the iPhone itself. Oh OK. Yep. And I’ve definitely played with several. There’s some that are made by Samsung. You know there’s some that are designed more for stereo. There’s handheld ones that you might want to use more for like podcasting or things like that. So there is a whole range of out there mics out there. I think like the Samsung QE is a popular one. Sure. Mike is another popular brand. I want to say that’s S H U R. Somebody will correct me. I’m sure. But there’s definitely a lot of them out there that use the lightning connector. So like if I just put in the search field on Amazon microphones with lightning plugs. Yeah. It will bring off like a host of them. Yep. OK. Thanks. You are welcome. OK Deborah go ahead. Hi there be. Hello. How do you become a BITS member so you can listen to this in the cloud. And then how do you listen to it. Where do you go. Bits – ACB dot org. And you can sign up through there. It’s a pretty easy sign up page. OK. That’s B I T S dash ACB dot org. OK. And then we can get it off from AC from that site after you sign up. After you sign up there will be an archive page with all the bits calls that we’ve had. And so there’ll be a link for like Apple Bites. There will be one for like other bits chats as well. And so like all my Apple Bites I believe are up there. And so yeah you can just download them all and you know you can do whatever you want with them. You know play them smash them or whatever. So it was you might put them in the Dolby on and do interesting things to them. So it was bits – ACB dot org. Yes. OK. Got it. Thank you. You are welcome. All right. OK. I will let you know it is you have nine minutes. Yep. And Gedron you are up. All right. Come on. All right. You are still muted. You know Zoom plays funny games. Everybody else unmuted. Really easy. Make sure you have that got a button. Yeah. Make sure that’s right. And if you’ve missed it try F6 or I’ll tab back. And go forward. And then. That’s it. Gedron. Oh she lowered her hand herself. So I guess she is. OK. Herbie. She took her hand down. So. Go ahead and. I would Linda. Go ahead Linda Ms. Yax. So can you hear me? No. OK. Yes. Now we can hear you. OK. This is Gedron. Yeah. No I didn’t mean to lower my hand. But anyway I. I have tried to use voice recorder and rec up and everything to record sometimes you know and a workout from another app. And I seem to always get everything recorded except the workout. So I have to do. Should I start the workout and then hit the voice memo or something. How do I make sure that I’m actually recording what I want to. So basically what I get I get voiceover babble. And but I don’t get the actual recording. That I want. OK. Herbie you’re muted. Oh let’s try that. No wonder people wrong. You can. OK. So first of all you could try recorder HQ Pro see if that makes a difference. But do you have any other devices either active or non active like you know do you have an old iPhone that still doesn’t have service but you can still connect to your Wi-Fi. Or iPad. OK. So that what I would honestly do for your situation as I’d use like the old iPhone to actually do the recording and that way it’s going to pick up everything from the other phone. And you won’t have you won’t have any problems that way. So that’s actually what I would do for best results. I see. OK. Great question. I know you would have a I know you would help. Well I got advice from your smelly captain last year. You know. All right. And if you want to know what we’re talking about we’ll just come to the ACB karaoke every Saturday night where you’ll hear some very interesting things. So. All right. And speaking of karaoke Linda Yax has not submitted anything for karaoke at least in a while. But she’s ready to communicate. Go ahead Linda. Because you are unmuted. Go ahead Linda. Make sure you’ve had the mute button on your microphone then because we’re not hearing you. Now can you hear me. Yes. OK. That was the problem already. I really hate that button. I wish it was a slider switch so you could tell. Yeah. So that that’s the I do have a question. Do you use these apps to record for karaoke? I personally do not. I know other people do. I actually use my computer for recording. But you definitely can. You can just get like your music playing on a speaker and then you can start the voice memos app or whatever and play the music and you know like sing into your phone. I would do some demos first to make sure you’re happy with the volume level of your voice and ratio to the music. And so. Yeah. OK. But you’re a Mac user aren’t you. Yes. OK. Because I’m a Windows user side. You might not know how to do it on my Windows computer how to record. There’s ways to do it. I’m sure there is. It’s definitely possible. The easy one of the easiest ways is if you have like the P4. But getting a recording program like Goldwave where you can do like multi track. That’d be another way. But it is a little bit. I honestly don’t know what the best program to use on Windows is. But they are they definitely exist. I want to be clear it’s not that it’s impossible. Right. I’m sure they exist. OK. Well that’s what I need. Thank you. You’re welcome. All right. Mr. Allen that’s it. You have four minutes. Well thank you Miss Laban. And by the way guys if you want to hear more Cindy and less of me come to the cooking call next Tuesday where she’s going to be talking to us about popcorn and that’s going to be at 9 a.m. central 10 Eastern and that’s on the ACB community. I do not know what the schedule entails because I don’t know if convention is going to interfere with next month’s call or not. So just stay glued to your email list as well. I’ll find out together my plan. If we do have it when we do have our next call I’m going to decide between one or two things if I have enough content. What I think I’m going to talk about is the latest going on with Apple and because they will have their event on like June 6. So I’m thinking I’ll have enough things to talk about for an hour and explain all that to you. So that is my current plan. If somehow they don’t release anything major which I’m sure they will then that will go on to the next big project that I have which is brand new app for Mastodon that has really taken the blind community by storm and called Mona which is M O N A. And we’ll talk about that in conjunction with Mastodon and that is kind of becoming the alternative to Twitter and it’s become the replacement for a lot of people and we’ll talk about that. So that is what I have in store for you all for the next couple of months. Like I said I don’t know if we’ll be on in June or July next. So stay tuned and we’ll all find out together. All right. On that note thank you guys. Remember you can always reach out to me through the bits list. If you have any iPhone requests that you like things you’d like me to demo or reach out to me through community at ACB dot org. And on that note Cindy you may end the room. OK thank you Herbie and I will take us out now. Everybody’s leaving anyway. OK thank you.