2022 6 21 Apple Bytes The Apple TV App

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I want to welcome you all to our Apple Bites program and Herbie Allen will be our presenter tonight. He will be talking about using the TV app on your iPhone. But before I turn it over to Herbie, first of all, I’m Diane and I’m hosting tonight. I live in Michigan. And I want to talk a little bit about bits because it’s a good organization and there are a lot of nice benefits to joining us. The BITS website where you can learn all about us is at www.bits.org. Again, www.bits-acb.org. And there you will see the announcements of our chats which happen on Friday and Saturday nights. Also any of our presentations and BITS roundtables and meetings. We do have a mailing list which is an announce only list. And if you would like to join that and we will also post announcements on there similar to what you see on the website about our meetings and chats and presentations. That address is you send a blank email to bits-announce plus subscribe at groups.io. Again the address is bits-announce plus subscribe at groups.io. Once you become a member of BITS you will be set up with your own account and you will be subscribed to a mailing list strictly for BITS members where you can get the same information that comes through on the bits-announce list. And also we can communicate with each other and ask questions and get answers about technology. All right. The final thing I need to mention for BITS members is that the BITS caucus nights are coming up during the convention. And so you should keep watch for an email to come out with more details about that. Herbie, I will turn it over to you and thank you again for coming to present to us. You’re most welcome Diane and thank you everybody for coming to this presentation of Apple BITS where tonight I am going to show you how you can watch TV on your phone. Yes, perhaps the app with the shortest name on your phone and it can do quite a bit. Now before we actually get to the TV app there are a couple of things that we will want to do and one of them is especially important to us as voice-over users. Perhaps you’ve already done this but in case you are not familiar we are going to just cover this real quick and that is audio description. One of the things of course about most of these TV services now is we get audio description and we want to make sure it is enabled. And so I’m going to talk about that then I’m going to talk about just some of the settings for TV and then the TV app itself and all the things it can do. So let’s just actually circle back to the audio description. I just want to briefly talk about the TV app and what it is. So it is a very, it is actually what I would call a multi-service application because it does several things. It ties in for one thing a bunch of other TV apps that you may have on your phone such as Disney Plus, ESPN and Paramount Plus, Amazon Prime Video just to name a few. In addition Apple uses it to offer its own content on Apple TV Plus which I will talk about in a little bit. And finally you can also use it to watch, purchase or rented movies from the iTunes store. So those are the three things it does and actually there is a fourth thing and I’ll talk about that in a little bit in regards to channels. So let’s start by making sure that we can get audio description on if we want to be able to have that. Little Apple content that I’ve come across definitely has it and a lot of third party stuff does too so this is a very useful feature to have. So we’re going to open settings. Use Siri to open our settings here and then we are going to go to accessibility. I can’t find any TV stuff in Apple TV. Siri stop. Okay. My home screen, accessibility, accessibility. My home pod decided it was going to get triggered. I do apologize for that folks. Vision, heading voice over, on zoom, off display and text. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go to accessibility and we’re going to keep swiping right until we get past spoken content. And you’re going to see a button that says audio descriptions. Now by default these are off. So if you want them on, this is not a toggle. This just opens the window. So if we double tap here. Audio descriptions on. At audio descriptions, heading. Audio descriptions on. And here I’ve got my toggle that I can use to turn them on or off. Obviously I want mine on so I’m going to leave them that way. But if they are off then you would double tap and now audio descriptions are on. This works primarily for like I said the TV app. It does also, Netflix also uses this. Other third party apps do not necessarily use this and so you have to go within their own internal settings to enable audio description for them. But audio descriptions, accessibility. Now that we’ve done that let’s take a quick look at the actual TV app settings. So let’s go back to our main screen here. Search field. It’ll be quicker just to search for TV. Because it is a ways down there if we’re going to site. Search results. TV out. General automatically airplay to TVs. General right arrow airplay. And T cancel. Search results. TV out. General TV app settings. Back button. Jet about button. Software update. Air drop. Airplay and picture in picture. Jet settings. Back button. Search result TV automatically. Apple TV remote. General buttons TV. There is the TV TV. OK. Settings back. But so you can see there’s a lot of other things related to TV TV hitting streaming options hitting streaming options. Use cellular data on. So do you want to be able to use cellular cellular data while using the TV app off. This is a toggle and this will depend on your personal preferences as to whether you want to use mobile data or cellular high quality. And then you can adjust the quality that it uses when on cellular data. This does affect the picture and I want to say it does affect. Yes it does affect the audio quality as well as the pictures. So that at least has been my experience in the past. So that is something to note that it unlike some other apps this one does affect audio quality as well as the picture. Wi-Fi high quality but Wi-Fi same thing download options hitting and this is for streaming and then we got down use cellular data on cellular fast downloads but Wi-Fi fast downloads but in languages to use cellular fast downloads. You say you look at off. Oops I had the wrong one cellular selected fast download high dynamic range HDR videos and I’ll be at most included with both options when available. High quality slower download uses more storage. So you can change it to higher quality just by tapping that if you want TV TV TV series search cell data and or remove languages and languages to but languages allowed to Siri and search but in series notifications and media and now you can get notifications from TV and yes it will send you notifications on various things based on the content that you watch like for instance a great example of that is the series Picard on Star Trek it would let me it’s one of those live series where a new episode would come every week and I would get a notification within my TV app. Hey this new show is ready for you to watch and I can click on the notification and it would launch the program device preferences hitting show sports scores on show sports scores I haven’t really played with this much use play history on use play history so you can have it keep a history and have it determine what programs you might be interested in up next display still frame but allow TV shows and movies played on this device to influence your for you recommendations and update your continue watching across your devices see how your data is managed and it works across devices purchases and rentals hitting video definition HD button home sharing hitting so and so that’s something else to know that the purchase videos and rental videos can be a separate thing than streaming Apple ID Apple ID and then you got home sharing which is a whole nother realm that if you have multiple people on the same network you can kind of share play stuff on that that has been around for a long time and I didn’t know that still worked okay so now that we’ve taken a look at our settings let us open the TV app itself open TV TV tab bar now hopefully my home pad does not talk good okay so let’s start by going to the very bottom left of our screen tab bar watch now tab one of five so we’ve got five tabs here I’m going to tell you what they are and then I’m gonna go back and explain them watch now selected originals tab to a five notice it said selected originals this as with many other Apple apps tells you what tab I am currently focused on with my cursor store tab three of five store this is an interesting aspect and I’ll talk about that in a little bit library tab library search tab and five of five so watch now like selected originals search I’m sorry store librarian search so let’s talk about watch now tab one of five first one is the watch now so this is where all the tie ins are going to happen as well as channels and there is a very big difference between the two and even I got a bit mixed up on this myself so I mentioned to you that Apple TV can tie into a whole bunch of other TV apps that you have on your phone and you can actually go into my account and see which ones it even has access to I’ll show you all that in a minute so this is great because you can actually kind of skim stuff from your history that you might be interested and then if you double tap it then it’ll launch it in the app but Apple TV has something else that is rather cool and that is called channels and what this does is it has a bunch of services and if you subscribe to the service you’re interested through their channels feature then you get the complete Apple TV experience which means you do not have to deal with third-party applications and so I actually recently tried this with Paramount Plus and I must say I like this a lot better because I do not like the Paramount Plus app myself I find it a little bit clunky and then I have to deal with landscape mode on top of it when I have a video watched and what’s nice about Apple TV is it is completely accessible and the audio description always works that type of thing so let’s take a look at our screen here account watch watch now heading watch no heading that is our first heading account settings but so here I can adjust account settings up next heading and now my up next so this is where that play history really comes into a factor Giants at Braves live sports MLB live but a baseball player wearing a white man being my MLB app at the moment so if I was to launch that Giants or press that MLB what it’s now doing is it’s opening an MLB app a baseball player holding a bat next to another and it should start playing in theory main main main main image explore main main main main image and activated is main in it okay well change team but so this is where unfortunately it can see some of the app history but it can be a little bit flaky and that TV active a downside okay button see all what account up John Elvin 3x Star Trek strange new worlds track continue one hour 22 minutes left prime video 9% okay this is an interesting one and last time when I did this earlier it would definitely open up and prime video so this is something that I’m seeing on my main TV screen but when I double tap track we should not get yep it’s launching the prime landscape prime video track heading it was tripping over themselves like babes in the woods see that and there you go now it actually started playing so it if you don’t like the prime video app navigation you can try to find stuff through the TV app and have it launch in the app and now I have to contend with landscape apps which are prime video TV active let’s go back to our TV watch Cha-Cha real smooth physical what what I can lose for first take the Simpson for Alvin 3 Star Trek strange new world for the Simpsons Sunday morning new June CBS evening news new June 7 okay so this is the up next thing now if I want to I can navigate by headings what to watch heading so now it’s gonna give me recommendations in this what to watch see all but physical button Cha-Cha real smooth prehistoric planet but for all mankind but severance oh yeah and most of the stuff that’s gonna recommend us from its Apple TV plus catalog and I will explain what Apple TV plus is in a minute loot premieres Friday Maya Rudolph stars in this hilarious Apple original series heading now I’m seeing premieres loot but look at loot but in tour the office with Ron but a photo containing an adult my channels heading okay my channels now this is what the channels that I am actually subscribed to Apple TV plus Paramount plus so more channels to try heading and now it’s gonna recommend more channels to try so just here are a lot of the offerings that it has I have not looked at all of these so I will not be able to answer questions about content but Showtime stars AMC plus epics a and e crime central acorn TV all black BBC select BET plus BFI player classic Brit box Carnegie Hall plus Cinemax curiosity stream Eros now select the great courses signature collection Hallmark movies now history vault history vault hey that sounds like it’ll be cool so what if I was interested in this channel well I can go here selected back but history vault watch online or off share with your family no commitment try it free but so there’s a try it free button and you would cancel these by the way by going into your subscriptions under settings and your name so it’s very easy to manage so I can try it free and it’ll ask me to seven days free then four dollars and ninety nine cents slash month so that’s actually very cheap the presidents button presidents at war but FDR the war years but LBJ and Vietnam in the dog fights but most popular now heading see all but ancient aliens but the universe but Watergate but on stars but so okay I’m gonna actually have to subscribe to this channel but that’s a later thing I also need time to watch it but if I’m unsure if I get a seven day free trial if I want to try the channel out before committing and I can just set a reminder if I think that I want to cancel it after the seven days so hit back back button back what happens if you access a channel that you have subscribed heading not to show you that my channel more channels to my channel Apple TV plus Paramount Plus so I’m gonna go to the last plus here back parents start RuPaul Sonic the Hedgehog to but South Park the Lost City but up next on Paramount Plus Alvin three Star Trek most popular now heading so the up next is the shows based on what you’ve watched the all but evil been Star Trek strange new worlds the offer been spongebob square and so I can double tap any of these shows evil most Star Trek if I change new worlds Star Trek here I’ll be presented with a very simple screen and I’ll show you a real media glances between video and so notice already I got the audio description so I’m just gonna show you the interface I’m not gonna current position 35 21 adjustable so I can adjust my position from here time elapsed 35 21 time remaining minus 16 37 airplay but airplay so if I want to have the audio or video played to a different system I can do that from here skip 15 seconds backwards play but skip 15 seconds forward more controls but more controls and languages languages sub titles but in sub time feedback speed but in playback collapse dismiss context menu dismiss and dismiss the context menu and the nice thing is since it’s on the Apple TV system I don’t have to deal with a landscape mode or anything like that close but all right now that we’re done with that store tab originals tab tell you about originals so Apple TV plus what is it so it is a service that launched in 2020 and it is actually the cheapest of the TV services well the history channels the same price for 95 and a lot of times you can get it just by purchasing a new Apple product I don’t know if they still have those deals or not but I know like if you got a iPhone 12 for instance you could get it for a year and one of the nice things about Apple TV plus by the way is in addition to any content really now that you’ll get an Apple it is in the amazing Dolby Atmos so if you have your AirPods that I talked about several months ago you get a really incredible experience watching your TV programs in the full surround sound and now Apple TV plus is offering some free things to such as Friday Night Baseball which does also sound really good in surround sound okay so just taking a look at our Apple TV plus store planet unknown discover shows and movies for kids and families explore the collection cha cha real smooth fault logo other falling in love is easy and or again this is sometimes easier to navigate by heading up next on Apple TV plus Friday Night Baseball text versus OAK Ford for all mankind continue Fraggle Rock Back to the Rock the problem with John Stewart Foundation continue Tehran continue s1 e1 Lincoln’s dilemma continue s1 and just a warning if you watch the Tehran movie you’re gonna get two things subtitles as well as DVS that one’s a little bit interesting most popular now heading you can see what is most pop see all but for all mankind but Ted lasso button Tehran button cha cha real smooth severance but prehistoric planet physical but the morning show button home button and the morning show is definitely one of the first shows that was on Apple TV shining girls watch entire see all but mythic quest button see all latest originals heading see all but cha cha real smooth home documentary a new season invites you to step inside the world’s most imaginative dwellings but in a sign up for all mankind drama a new competitor joins the global space race in season three of the thrilling drama series but an illustration so you can see you can get a big and I get an idea of what to expect if I double tap on the series for instance back from share new episodes Fridays for all mankind drama November resume episode but so I can resume the episode that I was on season one episode two he built this common sense rating Red Moon episode one NASA’s in crisis as the Soviets land the first man on the moon in 1969 the beginning of an alternate history details button it’s a great series available as much time to devote to watching it as I would from back back back button but Apple TV plus heading and they have kids programming on here too they have quite a number of watch latest Cummings majorly finding their moment majorly Cummings loot button a blackbird so black text see the different categories majorly finding their moment heading intrigue and suspense head okay now let’s talk about the next category which is a store selected store tap I’m not going to spend much time on this one because it is not one of my favorites if I’m going to you can search for things on here but I much prefer the actual iTunes store if I’m going to purchase a movie but you can also do it from the search tab and I’ll explain the search tab in just a little bit library tab four or five and library so something you need to know about the library which is I think this one of the disadvantages of it so the library is its own separate tab in the fact that what you’re going to find here are the TV shows and movies that you have purchased what I find unfortunate about this is I really wish like my Apple TV plus shows that I add to favorites could show up here as well because it would make it a little bit easier to find search tab but that’s just my thing so the library like I said TV shows are from here I library heading got a whole different set of categories now TV shows but in movies but in family sharing but in downloaded but in genres but in recently purchased shows heading so I’ve got several different categories so I can see what shows I’ve actually downloaded to my phone I can see what is available through family sharing I can browse by TV series or movies and go from there so big bang theory button so let’s see the Jetsons been keeping up appearances been young Sheldon been out been so notice okay all these shows are completely different these are all the ones I have purchased baseball’s best and show me a TV series recently purchased movie elf 2003 but doctor suits how the group Luther Vandross live and so you can kind of hear this I have a different range of TV shows and movies on here from movies to concert videos and stuff like that and you know if you want to watch a TV series let’s check the young Sheldon season two young Sheldon headache season two comedy 2018 library back watch and watch at the four tops the house the contest the jet Luther duck elf recently purchased movies hit mr. baseball elf been young chef but we’re gonna go with these funny little alien here so I’ve got the TV series elf there’s four seasons season one comedy 1986 season two so my first tab I presented with the different seasons comedy season three comedy 1988 season four so season one season season one if you just have one season of something then that’s gonna immediately come up rated G elf stands for alien life form and it becomes the adopted moniker of Gordon Shumway the last known survivor of the planet Melmac Gordon crashes his spacecraft into the garage of the Tanner family suburban home and is subsequently adopted by them they must keep him out of the hands of the authorities however which means no one can ever know about the alien who lives with the Tanner’s giving rise to many hilarious adventures in the first season elf sexploits include finding employment as a phone salesman cosmetics company going on a date with a fine woman buying a family affair area after selling his spaceship for parts and developing amnesia after a blow to the head all right download but so I’ve got a download button here if I want to download them all to my phone 26 episodes hitting 1 a l f September 22nd 1986 20 minutes but so here’s something else that’s interesting so if I double tap on the show play button now I’ve got the play button so you don’t double tap and it plays right away I double tap and then I’m presented with a play season one a l September 22nd rated G the whole store tab bar watch out play season 1 a and there’s my play button elf now 1 a 50 percent 50 download button and then there’s a download button to the right of it if I just want to download an individual ship to season or show or whatever not the entire season now one thing I do need to mention though with purchasing movies and that is or TV shows and if you purchase some they are not always going to be audio described and that is also the case for TV shows that you might find audio described on a TV service young Sheldon is a great example of this I can watch it on Paramount Plus in DVS and but when I actually purchased one of the seasons it was not in DVS even though so that was a little bit annoying because some shows I like enough to where I actually want to have my own copies of them and not to worry about being beholden to a streaming service but that’s just the way it goes okay tap bar search tab five five search search search heading shows movies and more search field browse heading Apple TV plus button Apple TV plus major league baseball so it’s for everyone kids and family action categories I can search but the nice thing about the search thing is it searches everything it can find you can find out if you want to purchase a movie and let’s see here I’m going to show movies search vertical navigable search misspelled or character screen input orientation locked and I believe it will give me every one so I know it’s not Christmas time but this is the first one that’s coming to mind home alone home alone so in the search field I typed in the movie home alone and now I had the search button port can’t top top results but so now I can adjust my categories here right now show me top results but if I double tap top results top results but in movies but in TV shows home alone movie but in home alone five movie collection movie collection but in so there’s an actual movie collection of home alone movies you can purchase to movie home alone collection movie collection but so that’s one thing to note about note with these movie collections is about that lets you do is it lets you purchase both movies or all movies in the same set so if I just click on the original we’re not actually gonna purchase anything but I just want to show you what you can look for if you want to search for something add to a next button share but home alone comedy play when bratty eight-year-old Kevin McCallister McCallie Culkin act out the night before more tomato reading trailers home alone but related hit trailers heading okay so tomato back to here 67% common sense rating so there’s a rotten tomatoes rating this is like the movie standard home alone related heading see all but I can see what I’m alone to elf button how to watch heading open in Disney Plus app but so this is cool there’s a how to watch section so the first thing it tells me right off the bat is open in Disney Plus app by $14 and 99 that can be really useful because if you don’t know what service a movie is going to be on this is a great universal search feature to try to find it to see if I’m not sure what happens if it’s on a movie service that you’re not subscribed to I need to find a movie that’s on Hulu because I do not even have that app on my phone rent $3 and buy so you can buy rent you can rent and yes I have been able to successfully play rented movies on this as well with no problems I did that recently when I needed to watch a movie for school and it was not available in any streaming service so I just chose to rent the movie instead of purchasing it and saving a lot of money and I could watch it with no accessibility cast and crew heading I can see the Kevin McCallister McCallie Culkin Harry Lime Joe Pesci Marv merchants Daniel Stern Kate McCallister Catherine O’Hara so another way if you want to just look up who starred in the movie bundles heading I can see bundles about heading home alone comedy more button 10 common sense slapstick 10 plus tomato meter reviews fresh heading not found rotten average 6 6 40 20 5 now cop in for 20th century FA released 1990 runtime one hour 42 minutes I want to see if it rated PG listed for this region of origin United original audio English copyright 19 languages audio English Dolby 5.1 ad check Dolby 5.1 French France Dolby 5.1 German Dolby alright so this is what I want you to hear I’m gonna go use my rotor heading words and just let this read this out to you a little bit slowly here so English Dolby 5.1 so you already know that our library store tab originals English S thank you okay English sh s English sh Chinese Hong subtitle in the wrong English audio languages copyright 1990 20th century English original audio United States okay region of origin focus here I do apologize read Pete read copyright 1990 English original audio go back to where I wanted you to be United States region of origin PG now this thing was really difficult what ruck night really want student information 20th century information heading information copyright 1990 20 copyright 5.8 by the way it’s actually not 67% one hour 42 minutes rated PG region of origin United States original audio English copyright 1990 20th century Fox Film Corporation languages nice audio English Dolby 5.1 that’s what I wanted okay so words let’s go back to the same English Dolby 5.1 Dolby 5.8 check check ad ad check so what is that ad that is the Dolby 5.5 France French friend 5.5 description 5.5 ad is if you see that check right comma spec caps z e c c e c caps um right sorry if you see where ad that usually means it does actually have 5.1 5.8 ad how you can know that the movie that you’re purchasing right brand comma spec caps z e c h and then check is actually not check it’s the language check I do apologize I’m thinking too used to seeing check boxes that I forget that check is also check and it’s spelled much differently than a checkbox but that’s neither here nor there anyway folks I think I’ve been talking for quite a bit let’s see now if you all actually have any questions for me we have a phone number could you just review real quickly for me again how you turn on the audio description and also did you say it would would or would not work for like prime video and Netflix all right let’s turn it on in general so can you tell me where first it’s a great question I was gonna say can you tell us who you are first so I can give you a name instead of a number sure I’m Shirley Shirley all right well thank you Shirley so great question so first of all the audio description if you go to settings and accessibility and you keep swiping right it’s gonna be past spoken content there’s gonna be button that says audio descriptions and it’ll be on or off depending on your setting and then if you want to change it you go in there and then you’ll double tap that option in there that says audio description on or off now prime video Disney plus it will not that option will not work with those you have to adjust the audio description setting within the app Paramount plus is another example and you have to look for you have to usually you have to start the movie and then go to swipe down you may have to double tap to bring up the screen and then look for the settings and then in there if the movie has audio description you just turn it on and it should remember that setting for all movies this the one disadvantage at least with Disney plus is you have to remember this for every device and for that reason alone it’d be nice if they could be one of the options for the Apple TV channels because then that you could have a more universal setting but so so but yeah now Netflix is the only app I have come across where it will actually see the audio description setting from the phone so Netflix has been the only app I’ve seen anyway that will do that that answer your question there Shirley yes I think so thank you sir hey Debbie Downey is next I have a few of the services I have Disney plus Netflix and Apple TV plus and Amazon prime video and when I first downloaded those and purchased those and it wanted me to tie them into the TV thing I didn’t know much about that so I said no when you went into do a search and you search for home alone and it said that it was available on Disney plus if I double tapped on that would it start playing or do I have to have it tied into my the TV app so I don’t know what would happen if you don’t have it tied into the TV app but since I do have it tied into the TV app I would double I imagine it would probably ask you do you want to tie it or whatever okay so but once you do have it tied in then you would just double tap it and it will open it right off the bat and just load it in Disney plus and so when you have them tied into it you can still always open those apps individually oh yeah yeah okay and I don’t have an Apple TV device so is this app on the phone or I guess on your iPad or whatever yep it is on your phone yeah is this similar to the Apple TV device in terms of what’s on it or is that a totally different so I do like you I do not have an actual Apple TV never really needed one because while you just saw I can access everything at my fingertips on the phone I don’t have a regular TV TV either though so that’s another reason why I don’t have an Apple TV um nope the TV app is a native app for your phone iPad Mac and yep even on the Mac now it’s the TV app they finally separated all those out several OS’s ago and Apple TV so that is a whole entirely different OS so it does have the same stuff on here but you may have different formatting for the apps and if anybody else wants to comment on who has an Apple TV device raise your hand and if you have any comments on how it differs from the phone I do know that it’s a box you plug into your TV and you know there can be I know there’s a lot of like custom games for it and stuff because it’s a like I said it’s like it is a different OS but it does have the individual apps like for Disney Plus and Prime Video and Netflix and all that so you will see those on Apple TV but I think it I imagine it would do the same TV tie-in service the way that the TV app on the phone and Mac does so okay next then is Diane Harms go ahead. Oh hi Herbie I’m really enjoying your presentation I do have an Apple TV I don’t really I wouldn’t be good at explaining the differences if there are any I love that too you know so I can play it on all my devices you know so if I want to watch it on the iPad I can do that too and yeah I have the different apps it has a different apps on it and but on the search like you did I can search for something like let’s say it’s a really old TV show like The Nanny and it found it and so I was able to watch I watched the first two episodes of the first season so far it’s funny it’s a comedy and it’s really cool how you can just search for something and find it oh there it is on that okay so and then you just play it off you go but I’m not really good at explaining you know the differences between the Apple TV and you know using it on the phone but I love it and I love the auto description you can get a lot of audio description because you know when you buy yourself and you’re watching something if you want to know what happened you don’t want to miss something so there’s nobody there to ask so you can just watch with audio description and there’s a lot of audio description like I say it’s really neat definitely the Apple TV oh go ahead I was gonna let you go on to the next person I know there’s another person all right I mean for me the biggest advantage I can see the Apple TV is for people that actually have a real TV and have you know sound systems and stuff like that and want that bigger screen you know and I don’t like so we don’t even have a real TV so because people come over and watch it with me so yeah you know you know so that that to me is the advantage with the Apple TV versus you know the iPhone or iPad or whatever all right totally cool okay next her me we have Desi Nolar Desi me hi there her me and Diane and Diane harms who I also know from a long time ago Diane’s on here and yes we can I know both of them house both of them well we can keep the dyes going with Desi’s diner you know okay all right so my my question is this is it possible to watch your local TV channels through the TV app um I do have a TV but we have a really bad television antenna situation here and sometimes I would like to watch something that’s on one of my local stations like maybe PVS or even or even you know a different local station a network station can I do that is there a way to do that through the TV app that is a great question and I want to say no but you know what we can 1947 Tuesday June so I’m going to search back button search you can search field search for my local screen and dots 5.6 that I know I can get through Paramount Plus K H no Q so I’m going to do a search for it here can’t top top result movies button TV show cast and crew accident man movie the Twilight song Twilight the Twilight one shot and I’m broke lol movie CBGB or movie but so no that is the one um unfortunate thing is it does not I don’t think there is and I’ve never seen a way to watch TV through the TV app it might work like if your local PBS station has its own app and you might it might look live options might come up in the watch next and it would then launch the app that might that type of thing like you can definitely get some live TV that way but it’s you’re still need the actual like PBS app or whatever now also one thing you can go check it you know a lot of apps are accessible like with Comcast we also have the option of they have their own app that you can watch the TV channels you’re subscribed to through as well so that is another option and another option for online live TV that is accessible would be YouTube TV is not cheap it is like 40 or 50 dollars but that is another way that I know of getting live TV next we have early go ahead early in the right I have a question about the TV app so in the beginning I remember that you explained how to turn on audio description the TV app where is it and is it in the app store or tell me again how to find it and activate it please the TV app should be a native app that’s already on your phone and you would just be able to I would try asking Siri to open TV if for some reason it is not on your phone then you would find it in the app store just under TV it should come up as the you know Apple native app and then you would just download it and then it may ask you to sign in like with your verify that you want to use your Apple ID to sign in and it is in the settings or the TV app itself yes I looked at I didn’t find it so you did not find TV in settings right that’s why I wondered if that’s where it would be it would be in settings there should be a TV option for TV and settings yes okay and like I said you should have the app on your phone already because it is a native app it comes you know along with the phone along with music and all the others so it is a way down ways down there you can do a search you’re gonna come up with a lot of other results for TV like with the Apple TV remote and things like that or you can just keep swiping but it is buried it is a ways down there and social folder thank you very much and I five items one of my favorite topics and I want to extend my absolute thanks to you for doing this subject I enjoyed listening to a lot of TV on my phone so thank you so much for doing this you’re welcome and just remember the audio description part of it though that is going to be under accessibility and you’ll see a button for that and there for the audio description part all right do we have any other questions yeah we have about eight minutes left by the way and I see no raised hand all right so just I’m gonna show you real quick where it’s at in settings open settings settings TV search fields cancel cancel good set set prepare Wi-Fi Bluetooth cellular personal notice out folks screen general hinge display home access wall pacer face emerge expect that a private apps wallet past may account count no cream voice phone message face of new weather trends map come at short health music TV photos TV okay so in my phone it should you should see it between music TV but the photos photos but so when you’re looking for it in settings that’s where it should be and otherwise then maybe somehow your phone does not have the app so app set settings closing settings app switcher TV active what else can I talk about let’s talk about original watch now what paramount plug paramount plug that paramount back let’s get out of there watch now hitting watch loot premieres Friday not loot pre-historic page one of seven so if it wants to lose focus like this you have to use your page navigation to go back physical button Ted lasso tape shot watch Dakota page one of seven not to ever set for a pre-charl smooth watch not charl smooth see what’s up watch watch now up next hit star trek up watch watch now hitting tap bar store tab app switcher closing TV open TV selected what account settings button there so if I look in their account settings what can I do to convert sources hitting her bird Allen herbie dot Allen at gmail.com button so it’s showing the account that it’s signed sources hitting and now I can see the sources that are tied in with my TV connected apps 18 button manage subscriptions button redeem gift card or code but add money to account but in red man connected apps 18 connected TV apps ABC on CNN on Comedy Central on Disney Plus on ESPN on Fox now on FX now on March Madness live on MLB on NBC on NBC Sports and NFL on Paramount Plus PBS video on Prime Video on TBS on the CW on TNT on TV shows and movies from the apps you connect will appear in the Apple TV app on all of your devices see link local you know I can just toggle them on or off if I did not want them to appear here so that’s how you can account back but account clear clear play history add money to account see connected apps manage subscriptions manage subscriptions Paramount Plus Apple TV channel Paramount Plus ESPN live sports and scores ESPN Plus ESPN Plus monthly monthly next billing date July 9th 2000 Apple Music student monthly Apple TV Plus vintage radio iTunes match so this is another way to see all my app subscriptions it’s not just limited to the Apple TV so prime TV active adding money and closing TV apps which are prime video active that does it for the Apple TV I you know think it’s a very simple to use app and offers a lot and definitely by all means check it out so next month I thought I’d do something a little bit too different and kind of give us a different bite out of the Apple bites thing and go back to hardware and we talked about what it did in a roundtable presentation but I’m thinking why not give you all an actual live demonstration of the Apple Watch so I highly encourage you if you are a bits member and if you’re not a bits member then you can definitely become one you can access the archives because we did a roundtable with the Apple Watch myself Chanel Earline and I know there is a couple other people I’m sorry I’m drawing a blank at the moment on it too yep you were in on it too so that how but we talked about what it did but I don’t think we actually did any demos if memory serves correct so next month I’m gonna talk more about the Apple Watch from a how it actually works standpoint so I’ll show you like how I primarily use it for workouts and some of the other things that can do how you can set it up the current models that type of thing so be sure to watch out for the Apple Watch next month oh boy so with that thank you Diane for a great job for hosting thank you Rosanna and Earline for allowing this to happen with that Diane you can end the room unless you have any closing announcements of course the one thing I did want to say that I forgot to at the beginning is that one of the major benefits of joining bits is that you have access to all the recordings I don’t think I mentioned that before but this and other other chat sessions and not chess not chess sessions but all the other roundtables and presentations are available for playing or download and it’s well worth it I’ve checked on several of them that I’ve wanted to go back to and that’s all I have thank you Herbie thank you everybody good night