2022 5 24 Apple Bytes The Many Ways You Can Write On Your Phone

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Good evening, everyone. I’m Diane Scalzi and I am hosting tonight’s program. This is a presentation of Apple Bites. And Herbie Allen is the presenter, and he’s going to be talking about different ways of writing on Apple devices. So before I turn it over to Herbie, though, I want to tell you that BITS stands for Blind Information Technology Specialists, and we are an affiliate of the American Council of the Blind. We have a website at www.bits-acb.org. And there you will find information about how to join BITS, and you’ll find announcements about our meetings, our roundtables, and our presentations. In addition, we have an email address that you can join, even if you’re not a BITS member, and that address is bits-announce +subscribe@groups.io. Herbie, I will go ahead and turn the proceedings over to you. Well, thank you, Diane, and good evening, everyone. And today, or tonight, rather, we’re going to talk about the million ways you can write in your iPhone, which could be very important with all the information we’ve been giving you, because you might need a way of putting in that Safari address or emailing the various lists or whatnot. So if you’re new to BITS and you’re interested and all you have with an iPhone, this lesson could be very important to you. I’m going to talk about the various typing methods and, in some cases, shortcomings that I’m at least aware of, and then I will definitely try to make sure there’s time for your questions. So with typing on the iPhone, there are actually quite a number of methods, and we are not doing raised hands just yet. We will have time for those a little bit later on in the call, so please hold your questions, and we will get to you in a little bit, I promise. And I might even answer your question before you even get a chance to ask it. So with the iPhone, there are, like I said, a number of typing methods. It used to be there was just the one, which is a standard typing. Then they introduced a touch typing that really got me interested into the iPhone. Then along the way, they introduced Braille screen input. They introduced direct touch typing. They also had dictation in there. And there’s also the Siri as well. And they’ve even introduced handwriting. And a lot of these are for voiceover. And in addition, of course, you can use hard… They also introduced the ability for you to be able to use hardware keyboards. So you can use Bluetooth keyboards and Braille displays as well. So like I said, you’ve got a number of options, and I’m going to explain them all. And what they are, what they do, and let you decide what works best for you. So let’s start with the default method. And the reason why I call this is default. This is what you are going to see if you turn on voiceover for the first time. And especially if it’s a brand new phone right out of the box. This has tripped me up so many times I have to remember to adjust this. And that is the standard typing. A lot of people really like this because it’s the iPhone experience in a way. It is you swipe to the letter that you want, and then you double tap to confirm the letter. So I find this method frustrating. So I want to change it. So the way you change typing methods is there’s some additional ones you can add into the rotor, but the three main ones are going to show up whenever you’re in an edit field in your rotor. So let’s unlock the phone here. Stickers and GIFs, camera, button, voice message, CAP Q, voice message, message field, is that insertion message field as a test bed here. So I had to double tap to select the edit field so I could write in it. And I’m going to use my rotor. If you’ve not used your rotor on the phone before, it is putting two fingers on the screen and rotating it clockwise or anti-clockwise, whichever direction you want to go. “In it. Volume. Describe images. Typing mode. Standard typing.” Typing mode, standard typing. So when I’m on that, I can now see the one that is pointed to. And this is, again, a voiceover thing. If you’re not using voiceover, it’s going to be a different experience. I can swipe down. Touch typing, direct touch typing, standard typing. So I can switch between those methods. So let’s start with the standard typing. So stickers and GIF camera. I’m going to make sure that I’m in the edit field. Is that an insertion point at end? And I’m going to type in the word “Hi.” CAP H. So I am not on my keyboard. I just automatically know where H is. So I’m actually going to double tap and I can get put it in there. Yes, it did because H is no longer capitalized and that’s how I knew. So now I want to “I.” So I’m going to swipe to the right. J, K, L, shift, Z, X, C, X, shift, L, X, J. So one thing you have to know is the iPhone screen is laid out as a computer keyboard. You can put your phone in landscape mode and have it facing that way if you prefer. And what that’ll do is that will increase the size of your keyboard and it’ll also make it horizontal instead of vertical. And I used to do that and then I really found that actually I prefer the smaller sized keyboard with it remaining in portrait mode. And to put it in landscape mode you need to make sure your portrait mode is not locked in the first place and then you can turn the phone to either the left or the right. And that’s how you do that. Okay, so we need to look for our “I.” So if you can visualize a computer keyboard, you know you’ve got your home row and then you’ve got your keys above that and your keys below that as well. So I can already picture in my head which direction I need to go from what letter I’m at. So I know I need to go back to the left. A, G, F, D, S, A, P, O, I, India. And I put in that space. Hi. And then I looked for my space which is at the bottom of the phone and I’m going to do one more word just to show you what this is like. Compose message hi, share media, stickers and gifs, send, compose message, text field, insertion point at start, insertion point at end. And if I lose my place I just do a double tap on the edit field until where it says insertion point to end. Share media, but compose stickers and gifs, compose message, text y. And to bring up my keyboard I kind of like have to just touch a spot on the screen and it’ll kind of bring up the keyboard instead of the other fluff that’s in the app. And now I want to say hi everyone. So I’m going to w-t-r-e-w-e r-t-y-u-i-o-p-a-. sculpt piec-ci-scially er Monica memor, t. Wi or Oscar pe- Rice P-Sc Where me and – x-s-h-l-k-j-h-g-f-d-s-a-p-o-i-u-y-t-r-e echo and so you can kind of get an idea of what that is like. I find it a bit cumbersome. And then if I want to do a period, I can either go to more numbers numbers or numbers now, whether it’s called. And here I’ve got various options return space letter delete a post x-question comma period symbols quotation period everyone and there you go. It told me the letter or I can do space twice and erase that way. And then if I want to delete something, I’ve got my delete key on the bottom right or I can swipe to it and then double tap period E N and delete every letter. But let’s see, can I double tap and hold this way? Yes, I can. So if you do a double tap and hold on the second tap without lifting up, you can delete all. Okay, now I’m going to rewrite this but using my favorite method touch typing misspelled words edit volume one describe images typing mode touch typing. So I just wiped down on my rotor. So now it’s set to this volume in it misspelled words. So remember, I wrote hi everyone in the standard typing method. Now we’re going to do it using the touch typing dollar sign letters. So first thing I need to do is numbers letters. There’s three categories on your keyboard, by the way, letters, numbers, and symbols. And as you might guess, the numbers does have number isn’t it your one through zero, that’s on the top. And then you’ve got symbols and then you’ve got really interesting call it extra symbols because you’ve got some stuff in the symbols category that can be useful like parentheses, brackets, and so on and so forth. I’d almost call the numbers one like number and punctuation. So okay, I want to write hi everyone. Cap H, I, hi, E, V, E, R, you, why, oh, M, delete m n e, every space. There you go. I just rewrote that sentence and notice that was a lot faster. And I did make a couple of mistakes along the way, but I could either choose not to lift up or in one case I did and I realized my mistake I hit M instead of N. So I just hit delete and then rewrote and the M. I think though, some people might struggle with this because it does require a bit of a visual memory. But I’ve been playing on computer keyboards since the late 80s. And so when you have it visualized in your head, it’s very, I found it very intuitive to do this on an iPhone screen. But iPhone, Apple did introduce in 2013, I think it was a third way of typing. And this one, I really think benefits low vision people more delete space because of the way it works. And that is direct touch typing. E, E, E, and the reason why I say this is it requires preciseness. Because you once you put your finger on a letter, it types it in. And so you have to be really, really good. And I think it’s one thing if you can see where you’re putting your finger in it. Volume describe typing. Let’s show you what direct touch typing. Direct touch typing. Here we go. So Phi, cap D, delta, cap E, echo. Okay, did it put it in? I don’t think it return. Dimmed delete. Nope. Delete. So let’s see if I can find my cap you cap H. Hotel. I, India space. Okay, did that even see? E, echo. So you can see single tap on the letter. Echo R, Y, space. Space. Rails. Okay, let’s see what we actually got here. I’m gonna use my word or go. Jibrijai. Yeah, that is Jibrij. So yeah, I personally struggle with this method. So it’s not one I recommend myself. I should see though, open messages. Let’s try a default Apple app and see if it works a little bit better in here. Open messages. There’s a reason why I don’t want messages. I’m wearing some of these jaws, by the way. So hosts, if you could check your status conversation. Okay, so let’s go to messages. Your iMessage, read, do vertical scroll apps, button, message, iMessage, text field, message, text field, cap H, hotel, I, cap H, space. Cap R, Romeo. Oh, okay. I don’t like this method. Return. Braille, screen words. All right. TR capital H cap TR. So rail screen. If you delete, find you like it. Return. Delete. Delete. Great. I find it more confusing than anything else. Volume one describe images. And next we’re going to talk about another one of my favorite methods. And that’s going to be the Braille screen input. Now you would have heard it come up in my rotor, but you do have to enable it first if you want to be able to use it. M and my okay, that’s nice. Delete R, delete, captain. Let me delete all this. Cap H cap H. Very good. So how do I use it? Well, I’m glad you asked. And we’re going to do this. Open accessibility and settings. Air drop button. Jet about. Jet settings. Back button. Settings. Settings. Air white. Blue. Self-port. Notif. First cellular. No. Self-focus. Screen general. Control center. Display. Home screen. Accessibility. Button. Accessibility. Voiceover. Tap double learn. Voice speak. Speak. Great. Speak. Braille. Braille. Braille. To the Braille category. This is also where you would go if you were going to connect a Braille keyboard, by the way. Braille output. A dot button. So your output, this is eight dots. So this means you can use some Braille displays have dot seven and eight. So this makes it so that you can use that input contracted. Input contracted. This is an important one. By default, it’s set to grade one. Hitting and contracted six dot Braille and contracted eight dot Braille selected contracted Braille selected automatic translation off selected Braille. I have mine contracted because that’s how I write Braille. Isn’t great to out in Braille screen input contracted button. The Braille screen input contracted. This is the important one and contracted six dot Braille selected. Reverse positions on in six dot Braille. The positions of reverse. Reverse dot positions. Here’s another one. So if you double tap the contracted like you’ll see you’ve got contracted six dot Braille. Contracted Braille. Selected the contracted reverse dot positions on. I have my dot positions reversed because it feels more natural like a real Braille keyboard. And also the proper way to hold your phone is with the charge port to the left. And that is because if you’re listening to something that’s in stereo, that is your true left right. The charge port where the speaker is that is supposed to be your left. And the part where the earpiece comes out of is supposed to be on your right and your volume buttons are supposed to be away from you with the. And if you have a phone with a side button that’s supposed to be towards you. So that is the proper way to hold a phone when you’re holding it horizontal. In six dot Braille, the positions of dots one and three and dots four and six will be swapped. So that means dots one and three are on the left and four and six are on the right to perform a six finger Braille chord quickly tap dots one to three followed by four five six. And yep, as you can hear, it’s giving us some instructions for the Braille court to perform a six Braille Braille. Here Braille alert messages three s but ignore court duration auto advanced choose a Braille display Chanel Allen’s keyboard button Herbert’s Apple Watch searching dimmed in progress and this is where you prepare a Braille display if you want to. Braille alert messages word rap on turn pages when panning on show on screen keyboard equations use an M F code status cells Braille tables one button Braille tables Braille screen input contract Braille tables selected. So this is something to know if you’ve got multiple languages or whatever, but something else you need to know by default. The iPhone uses the UAB Braille table English unified system but add Braille table but if you want an older Braille if you want a different Braille table added in here for like a different language or the older system, then you would go to the add table tables added here will appear in the Braille table. And you would get a then Braille table table rotor that you can switch to before going to Braille screen input Braille tables. So I just decided to stick with UAB because I can do some things with that that I cannot do in the older Braille method in regards to email addresses and whatnot. I really could probably do a whole entire session on Braille screen input, but I’m just going to show you the idea of it today. So let’s go back to what’s up. What’s up stickers compose message text is my question point. And I’m going to write a much more complete Braille screen in my high orientation lock landscape if I do want to get that cat I space hi dot E Y dot O period space everyone. Okay. Notice how I just wrote that entire sentence using grade two contractions for everyone. And so you can imagine how much easier it is to write. And there’s two Braille screen input modes. By the way, there’s tabletop Braille and screen away mode. And if you swipe up orientation unlocked, you can unlock the orientation and you can lock the orientation because by default it’ll be unlocked. And orientation locked. I am more familiar with the screen away mode where the idea is you hold the phone away from you and write, but I locked the orientation dots 123 so that way I can hold the phone flat if I prefer, which I do. Hi. Alright, I’m going to actually send them a message because I want to show you something that really is works well with Braille screen input for WhatsApp. Th space a s be on space a and t e space g a s. Oops, I made a mistake. How do I erase? Very simple. I can erase the character with dot one by swiping to the left or if you’re in reverse, it’ll be to the right dots 234 that erase that or if I want to erase the entire word to finger swipe left game. G a m e that word back in. Space game. G y s f f and now again, I get to do a three finger swipe down because I have my dots position was reversed. If you have your phone facing the other way, then it would be three dots forward. But if I do this, this has been an interesting game. It now just sent the message or share media comp, share your message. This has. And what’s nice about that is now you don’t have to go searching for the send button or anything like that. You do your three finger swipe and voila, it’s sent. OK, now another thing with Braille screen input, you can use it to launch apps, social folder, eight app characters. If you do this from your home screen and you go to Braille screen input orientation locked, I will just type screen away mode. Z. Oh, oh, M. Zoom. And I can zoom swipe down with one finger if I want to see multiple results. And then I do a two finger swipe to the right or if you have your phone in the way connecting and voila, it opened the app. And this will open any app that’s on your phone, even if it’s on the app library and not visible on your home screen. So you have another way of opening apps besides Siri. And that is something that is really cool with Braille screen input. OK, so I just to refresh so far, I’ve talked about the three standard types of typing, standard typing, where you swipe to the letter, touch typing, which is where you slide your finger along the keyboard to find the letter you want, then you lift up, and direct touch typing, where you touch the letter that you want to write. You can also do handwriting. I do not use that method just because I really don’t know handwriting, but you can enable that in the voice over rotor. So that is another option. All right. Now let’s talk about dictation. And this is the first keyboard that has a limitation, because one thing you can do with the other keyboards, I forget if you can with handwriting, but at least with the methods I’ve shown you, you can use this anywhere, including passwords, but dictation, you cannot. So how do we get to dictation? How do we use it? You all probably know this already. But in case you do not, I am going to just do a quick demo. This is not a method I use myself, but I do know how if I want to open general in settings. Settings about software, air picture, car, play iPhones, background date and keyboard. So we’re going to go to keyboard and there’s two things I want to show you in keyboard, actually. So we have two keyboards in here by default. At least I do. I have the regular keyboard and then the emoji keyboard text, one handed keyboard text replacement. Text replacement. I’m going to come back to that because this is a very useful thing to have. All keyboards, headache, auto capitalization on auto correction off. So you can adjust a lot of these things in what you want to honor. Check spelling on enable caps lock on predictive off predictive text. This is something that I actually turn off. What it tries to do is guess what you’re wanting to write and then you can swipe down with one finger to confirm. I found this more annoying than useful auto correct. Let’s see. I auto correction off. Have that off, but I used to have it on, but I it would try to it can try to correct any mistakes that it finds in your typing. The problem is when you’re trying to do email addresses, that’s when it becomes an issue. In a smart punctuation on slide to type off slide to type. I have heard about this feature. I’ve never really used it much and I’m not going to comment on it, but character preview on period shortcut on period shortcut. This is where you can do space twice and it will enable the period. Another thing that’s really interesting is some apps you will actually find options for the period and the at sign for email addresses on the bottom row. So you’ve got to look out for that in apps. Double tapping the spacebar dictation heading. Dictation enable dictation off. So I asked if you are a dictator. If you use dictation as you can hear, I am not a dictator, but I’m going to become one now on alert dictation. Sense information like your voice input contacts and location to Apple when necessary for processing your requests. So this is something interesting. Enable dictation button. Enable dictation when you use dictation in a way you kind of are sacrificing some of your privacy because information can get sent to a server. And I we always knew that was the case with Siri, but it was news to quite a number of us. A year ago or two when Apple mentioned that dictation information is processed through a server. Because we always thought it was on device translating, and that’s why it was more accurate than Siri. About dictation and private emoji heading. And let’s just tickers off. I you can I turned off the emoji stickers because I don’t need to send an emoji stickers from your emoji keyboard. Send emoji and an emoji stickers from your. OK, so keyboard now let’s go to the action. Let’s go to something where we can dictate. What’s that? So camera stick composed message text field is editing character. I get a tie up for a message stick for a message. Let’s go to here. Insert a cap C space numbers caps return space return space numbers emoji space a dictation. Interesting. OK, I do not. But that’s fine. All we need to do to leave space is when you want to do a dictation, all you need to do is double tap on the screen and say what you want to say and then double tap again and make sure you’re in the edit field and you’re editing so I can say. I am practicing dictation period. This is rather interesting comma. I am not sure how well I like this process exclamation mark. Inserted I am practicing dictation. This is rather interesting. I’m not sure how well I like this process. And there you go. How did it translate so accurately? I was speaking directly into the phone. Otherwise you can use an earpiece like the earbuds and I used proper punctuation where necessary where I wanted it to pause. Delete exclamation mark. Some things with dictation there are situations where we have to spell out things because it might put spaces where there shouldn’t be or anything like that. So if you want to make sure something is accurate like an email address, it’s a good idea to spell it out rather than just saying it. I ran into a situation where I was helping somebody where they were trying to do an email address and it would put spaces in there and they were not comfortable using the rotor to edit. And so then we just use the spelling out method. All right. The last thing I want to do is show you shortcuts or text replacement. Heading enable dictation on off alert turn off dictation button. Bye bye. Enable dictation. If I need you again, I know where to find you. So keep keyboard text replacement. I wear I use dictation a lot more as if I’m using the Apple Watch. I will use it more so on there than I will on the phone. Text replacement. This is a great text replacement. But I am because what you can do is have little phrases that can mean an entire sentence. And I will show you how this works. Tech add button section index. B.C.K. birthday cake. So I even use it for emojis. So if I was to type in B.C.K. in a message, it would actually bring up the birthday cake emoji. See hitting night. CHM CHM dot Allen 2011 at Gmail dot com. I don’t always want to type in this email address so I can now in my text replacement type in CHM and it’ll come hit space and it’ll come up with a full email address. However there are times when shortcuts do not work within some apps. And so you’ve got to check to see if it actually took or not. And it’s rather frustrating. If you want to create a shortcut. It’s very simple. Text replacement. We go to the add button at the top. We got a save button. The phrase is the first one. So I mentioned maybe you want to. Let’s say if I want to. I don’t know. Let’s see a phrase here. I want to tell somebody that I might have might want to constantly text every host and that I have and say good job. So I’m going to do. Portrait B. In my post screen input because I can. GJJ. There we go. Portrait G shortcut. Optional create a shortcut. Optional text insertion point at end. And now I’m going to shortcut screen recognition. Oh headings. Oh no I did it wrong way. That’s confusing. We actually need to type the phrase in here. Make sure I feel this. So orientation. In here. I can’t tell. Great job. Exclamation mark. Portrait. And then. Numbers. Text save button. Great job. Shortcut. Optional text field. Insertion point. Here. Word. Braille screen input. Orientation locked. Dot cap G. J. Dot dot one two dot six. GJ. Portrait. There we go. Text save button. Save. Keyboards. Back button. So now let’s get to WhatsApp. And we’re going to find an example here. Right. Can say this to somebody. Your voice message. Voice message from Naomi O’Toole. Message from maybe Isaac. Message from maybe Jess Monster. You scored 451. Message from maybe Isaac. I scored 502. There we go. Okay. So I’m going to reply to him. Voice message from message. Your vertical quote remove quoted share media. Compose message. Text field. Pointed at. Cap G. J. U. Delete. U H J. End of text. Great job. See. Okay. So I’ll show you that again without the mistakes. Exclamation. Cap G. So I’m just typing in. Cap G. G. H. And then I’m. Hotel J. J. But I swiped to the right. Juliet. Or to the J rather. It gives me a little bop a bop sound that tells me that it’s going to input something. I hit space. Great job. And then I can send that to him. P. Send. But send. And just by typing in two letters I’ve sent an entire sentence. And I don’t know if there is a limit on how that can be. So shortcuts or text replacement rather can be a very useful feature on the phone for common phrases like I have one that always says I’m on Metro lift or they have a standard one. O M W means on my way. So hopefully you get the idea with that. And I know you are all eager to ask questions assuming you are all still awake of course. So we will now go to your questions. And so why on the PC command. I’m sorry. Option Y on the Mac. I should know better. He under more on your smartphone or tablet and star nine on your telephone keypad. We have Cheryl good night. You should be able to unmute. Well Cheryl I guess is it OK to say good night to you then. I’m going out of the way. Can you all go over the steps on how to do a copy and paste from a text message to an email. I learned that at one time that I forgot it. I know that I’m you know I’m using my router using words or characters. And when I get to the HTTP part I double tap them there. And I go to the right corner and share. And I copy and copy. So are you sharing the link from Safari or from messages. All right. So OK so you’re trying to. Are you trying to copy a specific link from a text message or the entire text message. Either way. All right so the easiest way to copy a text message. Let’s go to the social social folder something that you may have messages. Message back button back button conversations Alexa reminders reminder from Alexa. This is good enough. Today 17 Alexa reminders reminder from Alexa close the breakout rooms react. So I’m going to swipe down to copy. And it copied it. So now I can go wherever I met you asked about me. It’s mail no one. I’m going to mail mail to you. New message from compose. Compose button to text V X C Y H A N. Results more info but Chanel Marie Allen. Add contact to. For now we’re just going to go to the message content message insertion point at start message by herbie. Herbie. I have a signature there so I’m not going to use my rotor to read characters misspelled word at it paste swipe down to paste mail paste it from messages. And now I can look at what I’ve got subject text field swipe to the left and swipe to the right message content message body text field is editing reminder from Alexa. Insertion points. I need to go the steps again a little bit slower. All right. Minimize draft sheet grab on the message itself cancel alerts save draft cancel save delete draft on the message that you want to copy. You simply swipe down with one finger to copy. Double tap where is copy if you swipe down with the rotor you’re going to when you swipe down on the message you want to copy you’re going to get to it. You have to open the message up or can you just go into the list of messages you go to the message you have to go to the specific message that you want to copy. Okay and then you swipe down to where it says copy you’re you’ve got to go away there’s going to like the reactions and all that you’ll go down to where it says copy and then you’ll double tap with one finger and it should say something like message copied or whatever. Then you go to where you want to paste the contents of the message whether it’s a mail message or whatever make sure you’re able to edit in the edit field so make sure you double tap with one finger so that says voiceover editing then use your rotor to go to the edit and then swipe down to paste double tap and it will have copied and pasted that message. So the email has to be open in order to find the edit field in with the rotor. Yes. Okay now if I want to do a link I go to where it starts at http and I double tap just on that and then I go to right hand corner and find share. So that’s the whole different no that’s why I was trying to ask what you’re trying to copy because that’s you’re trying to copy a link that you’ve opened in like so far. I was just going to drop that here. That you’d still again once you find the copy you still have to open the email or wherever and go to edit and swipe down the paste. Yeah but if you’re wanting to share a link rather than copying it and opening an email it would be a whole lot easier just to look for the mail button where it’ll open the mail app and you just have to type in the address and it already has the rest of the stuff put in there for you. You don’t have to do a thing just hit the send button and you’re good to go. I would just use the copy method if you wanted to put it into like say notes or something like that that doesn’t have a share sheet option. What was that? Okay so are you first okay so real quick first of all you’re a bits member or? Oh I’m not that’s BITS yep all right okay so I’ll repeat so basically you can do a direct copy from an entire message if you swipe down on the particular message you want to copy swipe down to where it says copy with one finger one finger double tap then go to your mail make sure you’re in the field you want to edit and use your rotor to go there where it says edit and go down to paste if you are wanting to share a link instead of going to copy once you go to the share button look for where it says mail and then type in just type in that person’s address it will have the link already in the actual body of the email so you don’t have to worry about finding the rotor to paste or anything like that and then you just hit your send button you can add additional information if you want but that’s all you have to do. Okay I’ll just have to work with it I’ve had a lot of issues with that that’s been hard for me. All right well hopefully you can remember those steps all right thank you Cheryl. Thank you so much for your time. You’re welcome. Hey next is Marty. Marty. Herbie. Yes. With dictation method well something that Apple supports on me years when I first got a phone like they said if you’re like if you’re replying to a text message and it says reply with a one and I would just dictate and say one and it wrote ONE and then they said say numeral one. What do you do like with a letter do you say alpha because like if you say C would probably insert SCE instead of the letter C and also if you wanted to do like a cap if you were supposed to do like a cap C to confirm or something how would you indicate that in dictation? I guess my first question is why would you even want to use dictation for something a simple letter like that wouldn’t it be a lot easier just to use the onscreen keyboard. Now I don’t you’re right but when I first got my phone screen typing was a lot more difficult for me now I don’t but I’m saying I guess it’s more a curiosity question if I wanted to. You know I’m the worst person to ask because I don’t use dictation I could tell you with Braille screen input you know because you use your letter signs. You could try like letter C and see if that works or a C letter that’s something I would have to play around with a little bit more than myself. I would say though that even if you’re not a good typer you’re best but you know if it’s just a simple confirmation you know if nothing else use your standard typing just to find that one or whatever you know just to type in that one letter and then you know hit your sound button. Yeah no I’m like you I use the touch typing once I learned that and by the way I noticed you mentioned the rotor is another way to do that actually I think the way I did it was I wanted to voiceover settings and I found the typing style I think you can actually go to that setting and change it that way. Yeah you can’t it’s a little and let’s see open settings. So I was looking at that earlier to see if you could do it that way. But. So if we go to typing style. Alright here we go. Yep so you can adjust it from here. And you can also adjust like the phonetic feedback. You can adjust the typing feedback modifier keys caps lock right and you can adjust your modifier keys. If you do the rotor would it only change it for that specific edit session. No it stays all like that. I’ve never even thought I don’t even think about changing it from here because it changes it universally. It’s not app specific. Okay thanks. Yep. I can see why people would think that but no it is actually not. It’s rather interesting. Alright thank you Marty and we’ll see if anybody else can enlighten us on your dictation question as well. Okay next we have we have Zoom user. Hi. Hello. I actually have a couple of comments if that’s okay. That’s okay. Marty it’s like a lot of things on the iPhone and with Siri if the more you dictate the more accurate it actually becomes I think and the more accurate you become and you learn into the idiosyncrasies and actually becomes pretty pretty understandable and pretty easy to do. The other thing I wanted to say is I’m sure that Chanel is very glad that you’re not a dictator. Yeah I’m sure she is too. And she isn’t either so. And the last thing I wanted to say is I love the keyboard shortcuts. I use Lyft and Uber a lot and I like to message my driver to tell them I am a blind lady and need some assistance because I don’t have a service dog or anything. So I have a complete little message that I put in and then I create a shortcut and so you’re standing out there with your phone in your hand and your purse and maybe bags or whatever and you could just type a couple of letters and it sends a whole message. It’s wonderful. Yep. I get Chanel all the time to let her know I’m on MetroLift. I don’t carry a purse though but. Well you might have a backpack or something. Yeah I have a waist pack but yeah. Anyway no but in all seriousness yes that is an excellent case used for keyboard shortcuts. If you have a standard phrase that you need want to send to somebody. I like I said I use it a lot for email addresses but for your situation exactly that’s what they can be very useful for and it saves a whole lot of time. And as usual her being a great presentation. Well thank you thank you thank you thank you. All right excellent. Okay who’s next? We have no more no more hands at the moment. No more hands all right. Wow where it is okay the time is definitely flying folks. So quick I do want to mention you can use Bluetooth keyboards with the phone and it’s you’re wondering you’re typing you want to make sure your quick nav is off. Oh I see we have one now. Yep and she has your name too. Yep she sure does. Well Diane well now Diane to speak. Hi Diane. Hi Herbie. Hello. Great presentation really enjoy it. Thank you. So where did you find that predictability well what happens to me is I had I put it in what I have to double tap to type because I had it and I guess the standard typing is where you lift your finger. Yeah. Well when I when I would do that and if I pushed too hard if I pushed a T it would put like three or something. But where do I turn that off. So if you go to keyboard that’s where you will find under accessibility other under settings in general look for keyboard and under there you can turn off the predictive text and adjust the auto correct and stuff. Okay great thank you. You’re welcome. All right guys so what is on tap for next month. Yes let’s start looking ahead. Well I thought it’d be fun to talk a little bit about how to watch TV on your phone. Yes as blind people we watch TV and I am going to talk about the TV app on the phone and then we’re going to talk about services like Apple TV plus how Apple TV can find content from third party apps and also how you can purchase movies and access your personal library of content. So get ready to watch TV on your phones next month. Denise should be able to talk now. Okay Denise are you okay so hold on there Cheryl Denise are you able to talk. Can you hear me now. We can. Yes. Yay. I don’t usually have that trouble. I want to ask a question about the touch typing because I know that feature but the problem I’m having is that I’ll have my finger on a letter and it says that letter but when I lift my finger it actually puts in the letter next to it. Really and you so make sure that you are using the touch typing not the direct touch typing. Right. I guess I would just definitely make sure what can be happening though too is make sure when you lift up you’ve not moved your finger when it said the letter name because what happens is and I’ve seen this a lot especially with newer users is your fingers can get a little bit jumpy and that causes all sorts of focusing issues. So make sure that I would just pay attention next time when you’re lifting up is your finger staying in the same spot when you hear the letter or are you moving it as you’re lifting up and that could be a key thing there. Yeah because it slowed things down and it’s very frustrating. Yep. All right. Thank you. You’re welcome. Does anybody else have any questions or any requests for future demos? Because I mean as much as I like hearing myself talk here guys I do this for you all as well and I want to talk about things that I think you’ll benefit from learning but I also like to know anything that you would like to learn more about in regards to the Apple Bites. My goal is to primarily stick with native apps. Occasionally we’ll do some stuff with third parties and whatever but I really want to help you know your iPhone in general first and what it can do natively. I forgot to mention the bits chats which happen on Friday and Saturday nights and anyone can come in regardless of membership and you know ask your questions and we’ll try to answer them and you’ll get that information if you subscribe to the BIS announce list and it will also there also be information about the chats on the website that we gave you the address to. Thanks everybody for coming in. Yep thank you Diane for hosting great job and we’ll see you all next time guys.