2021 12 21 Apple Bites – Notepad Copy window title to clipboard .

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– Good evening, everyone. And welcome to this issue of Apple Bites for December 2021. This is the last Apple Bites for this year. And our presenter this evening, as you know, is Herbie Allen. And our co-host for this evening is Rosanna Bodry. I am Erlene Hughes, president of BITS. And we wanna welcome our members and friends to BITS, as well as the people who will download our Apple Bites session. Before we begin, I wanna make just a few announcements. If you are not on the BITS announced list and you would like to learn more about BITS, and when we have our programs available, you may join the BITS announced list by sending an email message to bits-announce+subscribe. at groups.io. Again, that is bits-announce+subscribe@groups.io. If you want to learn more about BITS, you can visit our website at bits-acb.org. And in our announcement session, we have changed our chat schedule. We will be holding chat sessions on Friday and Saturday. And I’m not sure what’s going to happen with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but you are all invited to our BITS chat sessions on Friday and Saturday. And if you’re not a BITS member, you can join the BITS announced list to learn how to join the BITS chat sessions. Okay, Herbie, I think that’s all for the announcements. So go ahead with our December Apple BITS. – Well, thank you, Orlene, and good evening, everybody. And welcome to the Apple BITS presentation for December 21st. Today, let’s talk about app organization. How can you keep the apps on your phone organized? And there are several aspects of this that I’m gonna talk about. I’m going to talk about a little bit with app storage. I am going to talk about how you can organize your own apps with folders and whatnot. And then finally, I’m going to talk about the app library and the good and the bad with that. And so let’s get started. First of all, I’m going to just talk about a couple of general things. So with apps, there are some things you can do in settings that you, if you go under app store, you will be able to tell it to do various things. For instance, if you have limited storage on your phone, you might want to tell it to you, unload off used apps, unused apps. And this can be useful because what it’ll do is it’ll see apps that you’ve not accessed in about a month and kind of move them to the cloud. You can get them back and it will say blah, blah, blah in iCloud. And I will show you how that works in a little bit with an app that I do have set that way. The disadvantage is in the past at least when we had them working, apps like Chime, it’s an app that’s actually used all the time, but you’re not actively going to it, but then it would go into the cloud and that would mess things up with it telling you the time. You can also have app updates on, automatic updates and that can be useful so that way your apps just keep up to date in the background unless you are concerned about accessibility of an app. And in that case, maybe you don’t want to have it do that, but it’s usually a good idea. So that way your phone stays secure. Okay, so now that we’ve talked a little bit about what to expect in settings, let’s talk about how apps work on your phone. So of course an app is something that either comes pre-installed or one that you download from the app store. You can delete Apple apps, most of them. So for instance, I have no use for the stocks app whatsoever. So I deleted it from my phone and I will show you all how you can delete an app that you no longer want. 1905, so notifications. So let’s open the phone screen here. Bose music, Bose music. And home, social folder, eight apps. We’re gonna go to our home. Now you heard it say social folder eight apps. So you’re not going to get this because unless you’ve organized your phone the way I have, but I’ve organized my apps into folders the way I like them. And I can easily access a folder by double tapping. And then if I go to the top, that’s the name of the social folder. So these are apps that I personally have put into the social folder. And then when I went out of the folder, I simply close it by doing a one finger swipe up. Or if you have an older phone or the SE 2020, your home button, and that’ll get you back to the main screen. Now, what if I have an app that has been offloaded? How do I get that? – Social media folder, six apps, three new items. – Let’s go here. – Instagram, in iCloud. – Instagram and iCloud. So this is an app that I really don’t use that often, but I’ve decided maybe I do want it on my phone. So I’m going to do a one finger double tap. – Instagram, in iCloud. – And now we’re just going to wait for it to download. And- – 15%, 23%, 28%, 32%, 35%. 38%, 42%, 43%, 45%, 47%. – 56%. Instagram. – So the timing of that counter is a little bit off because it said 57% and now it’s saying Instagram. So now I’ve actually got it on my phone. Okay. Now let’s talk about how we can actually organize our apps. And what we can do with that. So I’m going to go to a page where I have apps that I’ve just not bothered to put into a folder. – Page two of two, Bose Music. – And I did this by doing my three finger swipe left to go to the next page. So now I’m on page two. So let’s see. – Screen mirroring, peacock, pages, clips, garage band. – I think all these Apple apps should actually go together. So now I can decide how I want to organize them. I want them in a specific folder with an alphabetical order. Now there is a way to do this for your phone entirely. It’s under one of the reset options under general. I don’t really want it to do that because it’s going to alphabetize everything. And there’s some folders where I have things alphabetized and some folders where I have the apps listed in importance. So we’re just going to take clips here. And I’m going to, I’ve got some options. I’m going to now swipe down. – Edit mode. – You got edit mode. – Activate. – Activate. And there you go. Activate is the default. So we want edit mode. – Started editing. – Now it used to be when you wanted to organize an app into a folder, you had to do a dragging method and you had to put one app on top of another. And it was a mess. And that was even if you didn’t know what you were doing. Finally, a couple of years ago, Apple has now made it a lot simpler. So I want to create a new app folder. So how do we do this? – Delete. – I’ve got some options in edit. So, oh, it says finished editing. – Activate. – Not nice. – Edit mode. – Okay, so let’s go back into edit mode. – Delete. – So if I swipe down, I can delete the app. So this is how I would delete clips. – Drag clips. – I can drag. – Activate. – Or again, activate, stop editing. – Delete. – Drag clips. – And this is always swiping up or down. I’m going to drag and to do this, we do a one finger double tap. – Close music is editing. – So now it’s telling me what app it’s pointed to. – Screen mirror, Peacock is pages, garage band, iMovie, or page piece. – So this is where things get a little bit interesting because now clips has kind of disappeared on me a little bit. – Is that screen mirror? – That’s not it. – Close stop editing apps, add to drag session, drop clips before post music, drop ready. – But I can now swipe down to what I’m going to do is I’m going to point to the app that I want clips to go to and tell it where to put it. Now notice here, let’s go to, I said I wanted the Apple apps together. So we’re going to go to garage band. So what have I got now? I’m at garage band. – Stop editing apps. – I can stop editing. – Add to drag session. – I can add garage band to the drag session. – Drop clips after garage band, drop clips after garage band, drop ready. Create new folder with garage band and clips, drop ready. – There you go, create new folder. – Cancel drag. – And cancel the drag of clips. – Activate, stop editing apps, add to drag session. – But you know what, again, I want these apps and all together. So I’m going to add garage band to the drag center. So now I’m going to be dragging clips and garage band. – Numbers, page two of three, numbers is editing. – And. – keynote, number, key, iMovie is editing. – There you go. – Pages is editing. – So. – Drop iMovie is editing. – Hey, I can add iMovie to this drag session. – Drag three items, photos, music is editing. Dot page two of numbers is editing. Keynote is editing. – And we will add keynote. – Drop clips, garage band, add to drag session. Dragging four items. – So what I can do, of course, you know, is I can drag all, you know, again, I can rearrange it. – Numbers is editing. – Okay, so we’re going to do go to numbers. – Stop edit, add to drop clips, drop clips, keep drop clips, keynote, iMovie, garage band before numbers, drop ready. – So it’s telling me that I can drag all these before numbers. – Drop clips, key note, iMovie. – Create new folder with numbers. – And we want to create a new folder. – Creating folder, folder, add widget, button. – So now we’ve got a folder. – Done, button, close music. Is that a done, add widget, button. Close screen, peak pages. Is that folder, folder? Is that editing? Five apps. – Folder, folder is editing. Okay, so. – Stop editing apps, drag folder, folder. Activate, stop editing apps. Activate, default. – We’re going to activate. – Keynote, iMovie, is editing. Garage band, click. – Which will now open the folder. – Clear text, folder name, folder, text. – Now, okay, so the reason why I did this is I had to go, I’m still in the edit mode, so now I went all the way to the left. And now I’m going to play, go to the folder name where I can edit it. I’ve got a clear text. – Clear text. – I’m gonna double-check that. – Braille screen, upload, presentation lock. – And let’s call this unwanted apps. And we’ll call it unwanted apps. – P-P-A-P-O-P-S-P-P-P-O-P-S-P-P-S. – And I haven’t deleted them ’cause occasionally there is sometimes I might actually want them. – Portrait apps. – And now all I need to do, now that I’m done renaming the folder, is do a one finger slide up or my home gesture. – Finished editing. Unwanted Apple apps, heading. – And there you go, now my folder, which was named folder, is called unwanted Apple apps. So now I have a folder with the apps in there that I want. – Numbers, clips, garage band, iMovie, keynote. – Oh dear, numbers is out of sorts. I don’t like that. So why don’t we move numbers? So we have to go back into edit mode. – Delete, drag numbers. – I’m going to swipe down to drag number, double tap. Let’s go to the right. And. – Keynote, is that page one of two? A keynote is that page one of two? – Okay, so yep, it needs to go after keynote. – Close, add to drop numbers after keynote. Drop ready, drop complete. – Drop complete, there you go. That tells me that it’s moved the apps to where I want it. So now I can still look, now how the apps organized. – I’m being, and that’s so clear text. Clips, is that garage band? Is editing, iMovie, is keynote, numbers, is editing. – And there you go, now the apps are sorted in the folder where I want them. – Foes, music. – And the only other thing I can do is if I want, I can move the folder to page one, again with that same edit method. – The Peacock, pages, unwanted apps folder. – And we can drag a folder the same way we would an app. We go down to edit. – Started editing, drag activate, drag unwanted app posts music. Is that a page one? – Now. – Peacock pages, is editing, page two of three. – And yeah, I know pages should be added to that folder as well, but. – Page one of three. – Now it’s on page one of three. – Weather folder, is editing, two apps. – Where do I want this folder? We will have it. – Stop editing, drop unwanted apps after weather folder. Drop ready, drop complete. – We’ll have an app to the weather folder. – Finished editing. – And there you go. – Paid unwanted apps folder. – Now my unwanted apps folder is on page one instead of page two and it has a number of apps in it. And then if I, again, if I wanted to add an app to that folder, again, I would use the drag method and I would go down and then go to the page where the folder is on, open the folder and put pages where I want it, which in this case would be after numbers. So that’s how you can organize your own apps. Now there are a couple of other ways that you can open apps regardless of where they are at provided they are on your phone. It will not work if the apps are stored in iCloud though. Neither of these methods will work. But the first way, one that I’m sure most of you know, is using Siri. So I can just say, open Facebook. – Facebook in progress profile picture, button. – And there you go. My Facebook is open. And if I want Facebook closed out, I simply go to my app switcher. – App switcher, Facebook active. – And I can do a one finger swipe down if I want to close it or just do a three finger swipe up. And that’ll close out the app that I’m pointed to in this case was Facebook. One app that you can also close out by the way is the phone app if you’re on a phone call because the phone call screen is not a separate thing. So you don’t actually have the phone app open and you’ll also notice if you use Siri to make a phone call, it does not actually open the app. You’ll have it there in the apps which are like the little thing, but call in progress, but you’ll notice that the app itself is not even actually open. So there you go. The other way is with Braille screen input. So this is one of the hidden advantages with that method is you can use it to open an app. – Social media folder. – I’m on my home screen and I’m now going to use my rotor to go to Braille screen input. – Characters, Braille screen input. – And I can only use grade one Braille here, but I’m going to open Twitter. So, – T W two apps, Twitter. – And there you go. I got two apps, Twitter. And if I do a one finger flick down, – Twitterific. – Twitterific. And we will open Twitter with a one finger swipe up to go up and now a two finger swipe right. – Opening Twitter, portrait, Twitter account menu. – So there you go. If you can’t find an app and or you just want a quick way of opening it and it doesn’t matter whether where it’s at on your phone, you can again, just use either of those methods to quickly open an app and there you go. And like I said, it does actually have to be on your phone though. It cannot be stored in iCloud. Now the last thing I really want to talk about with this is the app library. And this is a whole nother animal. And there is some good and bad about it. So what is the app library? It was something that the Apple introduced last year in iOS 14. And it is their way of organizing your apps. But here is the drawback. You have to go by how it is categorized in the app store and not the way you would necessarily organize it. So I’ll give you a great example. I use an app called Team Talk. Now, when I actually have it on my home screen, I have it in the social folder. And I don’t even, not quite sure where the app library hides it. Another app that they put in the social folder is Facebook. But I like to have that in a folder I call social media. So it’s great, I think, for people that don’t have their apps organized and want it. But I had organized my apps well before the app library was ever introduced. And by the way, if you back up your phone with iCloud, your folder structures and all that with the apps will transfer over so you don’t have to recreate them. Now, to make the best use of the app library, I highly recommend that you add the container’s rotor to your phone if it’s not already there. Because that is how it is structurally organized. Containers is not something I would use really on the iPhone ’cause you don’t have, it’s really more for the split screen setup like what you have in the iPad. But for the app library, you actually do want it. So how do we actually get to the app library? – 1920. – Okay, we’re doing that too bad, time-wise in the process. Okay, so I’m going to now go do my page swipe gesture two times to the left. – Page two of two. – So notice I’m on page two of two. And now I’m gonna do the three finger swipe left once again. – Showing app library, app library, search field. – Showing app library, search field. So, and by the way, I should mention real quick if you need to add something to your rotor, if you go to accessibility under settings and then voiceover, you will find rotor and then just go to where it says containers and make sure that is selected. So the first thing we have is a search field. And the one thing I have discovered with this is you cannot use Braille screen input with it. I don’t know why. So you have to use standard typing. I am actually not sure about dictation. So maybe somebody has an answer for that. And if so, when we get to raise hands, you can comment on that. But this is great. So some apps, lately what will happen is when you download a new app, it may not actually show up on your phone, but it will be in the app library. The one other bad thing though about the search is you cannot add a phone to your, I’m sorry, you cannot add an app to your home screen from the search thing, but you can if you were just generally browsing. So I’m gonna come back to the search. – Suggestions, Clubhouse. – So first of all, it’s gonna give me some suggestions based on apps that I’ve used a lot. – Twitter, Gmail, Walmart. – Recently added, NBC Sports. – So okay, now this first category can be a little bit useful. So these are recently added apps that I have just recently, well, obviously added to my phone. – Bank of America, Instagram. Recently added folder, eight app. – Now why Instagram is last, because I think it has the order, no actually, no, okay, no, it doesn’t have the order wrong. So it’s going from oldest to newest. Now notice it said recently added folder. We’re gonna come back to that. – Social, messages. – So now it’s showing me what’s in the social folder. – Facebook, phone, social folder, 11 apps. – And notice it’s social folder has 11 apps, but remember mine has eight apps. Now this is where the containers app really comes in handy. So I’m going to find that in my settings. – Ground screen, 700 containers. – And now I’m going to swipe down. – Other dice world, productivity and finance, Zoom. – Okay, so tell me why Zoom is in productivity and finance. Why isn’t dice world in a folder called games? This is what I don’t like. – Music, music. – Music at least is in the music folder. – Utilities, Safari. – And okay, so. – Entertainment, YouTube. – What do I have in my entertainment folder? Okay. – TV. – So by the way, if I was to double tap on an app, it would open it. – Disney plus. – But now I’m swiping to the right again. So notice, so far this actually mostly agrees with me except I have TV and a TV folder, but what is, notice when I was swiping to the right, it would give me a few apps and then it would say. – Entertainment folder, 18 apps. – Entertainment folder, 18 apps. So I’m, what this does is it gives you the top apps that are in the folder, but now I’m going to double tap. And this expands the folder, even though it doesn’t say so. – Paramount Plus, Peacock, Parrot, Netflix, NBC. – So kind of put me in a weird spot. – Peacock Prime, Sero, SoundCloud, Music, Stream, TBS, Ticketmaster Buy, sell TNT, TV, vintage radio, YouTube. YouTube, vintage radio TV. – Okay, so one thing that is cool, once you actually open the folder, – And then it opens the Valley Sport entertainment, heading. – It actually does, it will actually list them in alphabetical order. So when you’re outside the folder, it’s going to list them in terms of like the top apps. But once you open the folder, now you’re going to see the app that your app’s in alphabetical order. – Valley Sport, Disney Plus, iTunes Store, Mixcloud, Audio. – And again, iTunes Store, I don’t like it in entertainment, but this is what it thinks. And then if I want YouTube, for instance, I just do a double tap. – YouTube, cast, button. – And there you go, my YouTube is now open. But if I want to get back to the app library, I have to, I can’t do it from YouTube. – Regent tracking on, image, stat TNT, ticket TBS. – Actually, I guess I can go back to the, if I do my home gesture, it will take me back to the app library. Now to collapse the folder, we go to the top. – Mix iTunes Valley, enter entertainment, heading. – And I do a one finger double tap. – Entertainment, heading, suggestions, Walmart. – And there you go. Now it’s collapsed and I’m back to my thing. Okay, now notice something else here with Walmart. Let’s take Walmart, use Walmart as an example. If I have it in, let’s see if it’s in the app library. If I want to add it to my home screen, I can go into edit mode. – Started editing, stop editing app, drag Walmart, activate, delete, stop editing apps. – And I can edit it from here the way I would any other app that is on my phone. So finally, let’s talk about how to search for something in the app library. – Search for app library, search for editing. – So we will do the aforementioned team talk that I, okay, that I mentioned. – Tap T, E, A, M. – So I just typed in the word team. And now if I hit the, I’m gonna show you something. So now it’s showing me some results. – Q, team talk. – And in this case, it’s the only one that is team talk. But one other thing I wanna show you, let’s go back to the search field. Let’s say if I hit the go button. – Go, team talk, preferences. – So what it did is it automatically opened the first app, mentioned in this case is the only app that it saw after I hit search. So now my team talk app is actually open when I hit the go button and did not display search results. So if you want to see search results, which cares about these apps that I don’t need, then you have to, like I said, swipe to the right. But if you want, if you know that it’s bringing up the right app, then you can hit go and you’re good to go. So that is how you use the app library. Let’s see, what else can I talk about with apps real quick? Well, questions have always arisen. Should you leave apps open in your app switcher or not? It’s gonna depend of course on the app. Most of the time I tend to not worry about it as apps that are kind of like not in use really just don’t, they just sit there and don’t really bother anything. But sometimes people like to have a clear app switcher too, it just depends. So you can do that. One of the thing that I do recommend you have off for most apps because this will save your battery is background app refresh. And you will find this under general. So let’s take a look at that real quick. Open settings. – Settings, air white blue set first, notice sounds focused, screen type general, then about, but soft air drive, air plug, pictured car, but iPhone background app refresh. – All right, so if we take a look here, I do have it on. – Allow apps to refresh their content when up 710 ESPN Seattle off Amazon off Amazon Alexa on. – So notice how I have some apps off and some apps on. And the reason why is I am choosing which apps I want to allow to track me in the background no matter what. So Uber is a good example of one that I do allow to track in the background because I use the live location for drivers to be able to find me. And so I don’t want it to go away from my phone screen. Facebook is one I definitely recommend you have it turned off because what happened in the past is I’d be on my pair of transit, we would get be somewhere and it would take a few minutes to load or unload the person. Next thing you know, I get this thing from Facebook, you were just recently near blah, blah, blah. Why don’t you write us a review and let us know how it was? It’s like, well, actually no, I wasn’t near blah, blah, blah. I’ve been sitting at this vehicle for a million hours already. And that I can’t give a review on, but can’t be any help to you guys. So, you know, it can be a little bit misleading there. Okay guys, I think that’s really all I have now on the app organization. So why don’t we open it up to your questions and Rosanna is going to let you all know how you can participate. – Hello, I’m, okay. Do you raise your hand? It’s going to be all Y on your PC, option Y on your Mac and star nine on a landline. And if you are on the iPhone, it would be the more button on your iPhone and you would tap on more and then tap on raise your hand. Abby. – Hello, Abby. – Okay, hold on a second. Abby, you can unmute. You should be unmuted. – There we are. Now I think we’ve got it. – Yep. – Wow, I didn’t think I’d be first. That was kind of a surprise. – Surprise, surprise. – Surprise. Okay, well, I got a couple of just quick questions. First of all, when you’re deleting an app from the home screen, is it just delete it from the home screen or just delete from the device? And then when you’re doing the background refresh, do you still get notifications from apps if you have the background refresh turned off? Thank you. – Okay, those are very good questions. So let’s use Instagram for example, for the first app. – Social media folder, six apps. – So, um. – Instagram. – Let’s go to Instagram ’cause I really don’t care what happens to this app. – Delete. – I’m going to delete it. So I went to the app, I went down to edit and I’m going to go down to delete and double tap. – Alert, remove Instagram. Removing from home screen. We’ll keep the app in your app library. Delete app, then remove from home screen, but cancel. – Oh, I see, okay. – Yep, and so basically, if you remove from home screen, so it’ll still be in your app library, but it won’t be in your regular apps. But if you delete the app, then it’s completely gone, though it will still be accessible, you know, from your app store history. – Okay. – If you delete it. Now, to your second question. No, the app background app refresh, that does not turn up notifications. That is for the apps. That’s actually in notifications instead. What background app refresh does is it means that unless you’re, it doesn’t prevent location tracking from within the app, whenever you’re actually in the app, but what it means is when you have the, it means that when you don’t have the app running and you have an area somewhere else away, it can’t see where you are at. So for instance, I don’t know of any reason why Dropbox needs to know where I’m at. And so, but there are some apps that use that information when you’re actually in the app, but I don’t need it to know where I’m at, whether I’m like in the background or whatever. – Okay. And the other advantage for that too is, aside from privacy, of course, there is the advantage of it doesn’t to drain your battery as much. – Right, right, yeah. Okay, well, thank you. – You’re welcome. And one of the things I will mention too, with notifications is, now you can add apps to your notification summary. So if you wanna get notifications during certain times of the day or whatever from certain apps, then you can put them into the summary like Dice World, for instance. I look when I can to see if I have any active games, I don’t need it telling me that I’ve got active games. And so I have it in the summary, so I’m not always getting notified from it because I’m busy doing something else. I hear that Dice World roll and I wanna go play and beat people, but I can’t ’cause I’m doing something else. So that might help with the notifications as well. – So is it in the press? Or is it just not showing up? – I don’t know. – I don’t know either, but I do think that is Marty’s iPhone. – Yes, Marty, you are unmuted at this point. Go ahead. – Yes, Herbie, I didn’t quite get that. And you probably explained that when you have like five pages of apps and say I’m looking for an app that I don’t even know, I probably have it on my phone. First of all, how would I be able to find it? – Okay, so three ways you can find it. One is ask Siri to open it. Two, use Braille screen input. So I’ll get into this ’cause I think everybody knows the Siri method. – Oh, characters, Braille screen input. – So I was talking about Dice World earlier. So I’m now in my main homepage one and I just went to Braille screen input and I’m now gonna type in Dice. – D-S-I-C-1-F. – And I’ve narrowed down the results to one app, which is Dice World. I’m gonna do a two finger flick right. – Flippening Dice Portrait, Dice World. – Now two other ways, and there you go, it opens it. Two other ways of course you can search for apps is the Spotlight search feature. And that’s one I generally don’t use just ’cause I really, I know where all my apps are. So it’s not one I use too much, but you do have that. And there is the search feature in your actual app library as well. – Right, but I’m talking exclusive of the app library. – Right. – How would I do the Spotlight feature? I’ve seen that, but I don’t remember how to get to it. – The Spotlight feature is a good question because I don’t, honestly, I actually don’t use it that much myself. If anybody remembers the Spotlight feature offhand, let us know ’cause it’s, like I said, it’s actually not one that I use because I get my apps, I put them where I want them, or I know they’re on page two where I can find them easily enough. – The one way you mentioned the Braille screen input, do you have to do it with the Braille screen input or can you just do it? – The only way I know of to do it is with the Braille screen input. Me, I do. – Oh, okay. – I wonder if it would work with a Braille display, but– – I don’t have one. – Yeah, I don’t have, well, I have a couple, but I have a writer anyway. But it definitely is a Braille screen input feature for sure. – Oh, okay. – That really comes in handy because I don’t even, you know, I just use that method to quickly open the app I want and voila, it’s right there and it doesn’t even matter now where it’s at on my phone, so. – But there is no search feature like on the main, on the home screen, I think for sure. – There is not a search feature on the home screen. – Okay, thanks. – Yep, you are welcome, okay. – Thank you, Marty. – Herbie, I don’t see any more hands at this time. – All right, so let’s see, is there anything else I can really talk about with app results here? So, okay, if this page would load, I was gonna give you the exact commands here to do the spotlight search. Oh, what? Oh, I thought I heard somebody talking, okay. So let’s see. Okay. I had to pick the worst page to navigate. So let’s see here, I’m just looking at something real quick. (mouse clicking) Okay, so it’s saying that Siri can actually do in the spotlight search for apps. It can, like I said, but it’s limited to what is in your iCloud account. Let’s see, some other things that can be useful is you can see what apps, you know, there’s ways to see like in general, of course, like what apps are using a lot of data. Most app data will transfer from phone to phone. One big exception is Bard, and that one is very app specific. So if you download a lot of books and then you get a new phone or restore your phone or whatever, those books will not transfer over, but the app data is going to depend on the app size. So let’s say you use Apple Music and, or Spotify and you download a lot of music to your phone, you know, that’s going to increase, you know, the app storage that, you know, the phone is using from like, say, you know, several megabytes to, you know, go into the gigabyte range. So that is pretty useful. Another way thing you can do is there are ways to beta test apps on your phone. There is of course, like I said, test flight. Yeah, there’s test flight. And finally, why don’t we talk a little bit about the app store itself since we’ve got some time. – Tuesday, December- – And no raised hands. – Social folder, eight apps, one new item. – Social folder, eight apps, one new item. So that tells me there that one of my apps has a new item. I can’t tell from here, but if I open the folder- – You would zoom, you mail, zoom, what’s app? Mail, no unread messages, one unread message. – All right, I have an unread message, but that will get looked at later ’cause I really don’t know what it is, so. – Characters. – Oh, and I see we have a raised hand. – You do. – All right. – But it would be- (phone beeps) – Hold on one. Okay, you are now unmuted, go ahead. – Yeah, hi. – 1-770, go ahead. You’re unmuted. – This is Janet, can you hear me? – Yes. – Yes. – Okay, I have a question about all these notifications that you get on apps that you don’t want. Like, I am a part of WhatsApp, but I seem to get like a million notifications when people are talking back and forth to each other, talking back and forth and talking. How do I stop all that? But so I want to be part of WhatsApp. – Right, so different apps, of course, are gonna have different settings. I’ve actually left a few groups though in the past over this very issue, where I thought that they were very much too chatty myself. – Right. – You can add an app to the notification summary. So let’s see here. (phone beeps) Let’s open settings. (phone beeps) And we’re gonna go to notifications. – Okay. – So I have a scheduled summary here. So what this’ll do is it’ll lump all my notifications and give me certain app notifications, like in this case, three times a day. – Show previews, scheduled summary. – If I go in here. – Scheduled summary, first summary, time picker, eight. – I can adjust it. – Second summary, third, insert ad summary. – I can add a new summary. – Add summary, show next summary. Show the next summary and notification center before the scheduled time. Apps in summary, getting. – So now I can, let’s see what apps I have in the summary here. – Selected, daily notification, up to Z, button two of two, selected, daily notification average, button one of two. – Okay, that’s nice. – I just clubhouse, on dice world, on Twitter, on coup 11, CNN, on NFL, on follow, on NHL, ESPN, off Fox Sports, Walmart, off Facebook, off DoorDash. – Okay, now what? So I’m gonna switch this to A to Z. – Up to C, selected, to Z. – And so let’s go down to the bottom. – Vertical scroll, up zoom, up YouTube music, YouTube, up email, up WhatsApp, off. – And now I can turn WhatsApp on. And now it’s in the notification summary. So now all those WhatsApp messages that you get from groups instead of getting bombarded with them all the time, they’re gonna appear at like say two in the after, whatever time you determine that you wanna see your notification summary. And the best part is once you double tap on that summary, if you go to the left, there is a clear button. And if you swipe up, it goes to clear all and– – That’s great. – It is. – That is a great tip. Thank you so much, Harvey. Okay, can I ask one more question? – You may ask, yes. – Okay, so in notifications, it always says banners, badges, the left. Is that telling me that I’m getting all three or I can choose one? I know it had a button, so I’m sorry, you can– – Yeah, you can choose them. You can turn notifications off completely for an app. Now, the one thing I should warn you about though, with the notification summary, like if you do put WhatsApp in there, that’s also gonna apply to new message, like if somebody sends you a personal message. So you’ll have to go, but you’ll see like if WhatsApp has a bunch of new items, you can still go in there and look, that won’t go away. – Okay. – But you won’t get instantly notified if somebody sends you a new, unless you are in the app, then the notification will come through, I think. But– – But if it says banners, badges, sounds, does that mean you’re getting all three? – So that’s a good question. Let’s come back to that one, ’cause I wanna show everybody what you’re talking about here. – Notifications, notifications, scheduled summary, notifications, back, notifications. – So let’s go back. – Amazon Music, immediate, button. – Okay, so I’m gonna pick on Amazon Music here. – Allow notifications, on. – So I’m double tapping on Amazon Music for the notifications. Allow notifications, on. I can turn this off if I want. – Notification delivery, heading, selected. Immediate delivery, scheduled summary, delivered eight, 14. – And so from here, I can even add it into the scheduled summary if I want, or leave it on immediate. – Notifications are delivered immediately. Alerts, heading, selected. Allow on lock screen, button. – Allow on lock screen. This will determine if notification appears even when your screen is locked. – Selected, allow a notification center, button. – Allow a notification center. This is usually a good idea, so that way if you need clear out the notification center. – Selected, allow as banner, button. – Allow as banner. – Banner style, temporary, button. – So here’s where it gets interesting. So banner style, you’ve got temporary. – Happy, sounds, banner style, temporary, button. – Okay, so I can make it. – Persistent, persistent, so banner Amazon Music. – So if you leave it as a temporary banner, it means the notification is gonna go away. If you switch it to persistent, that means the banner is going to actually literally hijack your phone and just pop up until you dismiss it. So that’s the difference between temporary and persistent. Sounds, some apps will have customized sounds. Some great examples are WhatsApp. Like you said, it has a distinct chiming sound. I think, and this will also affect the iPhone, just the do-to-do sound too. But you know, apps like ESPN, Fox Sports, they have customized sounds, so this dice world. So here I think is where you would turn those sounds off if you didn’t want them. – Badges, on. – Badges, this is kind of, I look, it gets a little bit confusing on what the badges actually are. It’s kind of a little bit of more of a visual thing. – Announce, heading, announce notifications, off, button. – Announce notifications, off. – Lock screen appearance, heading, show previews, all notification grouping, automatic, button. – So notification grouping, so it can group the notifications so that they all appear as one group or it can be spread out. So if you wanna see a notification with a dice world on WhatsApp, then phone, then another one from WhatsApp. – Notification grouping, notification. – No, let’s see if we can find one. Let’s go to WhatsApp, ’cause let’s look at the badges and banners and things. – Emergency alert, Amber Alerts, off, Government, Zoom, YouTube, YouTube, Email, WhatsApp, scheduling, allow notifications, on, notification delivery, heading, immediate delivery, deliver right away. – Okay. – Selected, schedule, immediate delivery. – No, I can’t remember, I want my WhatsApp to be immediate for now. So, okay, I’ve switched to immediate. There you go. Now, no harm done. – Notifications are delivered to meet alerts. Heading selected, allow on lock screen, but selected, allow a notification center, button selected, allow as banner, button banner style, temporary sounds, on badges, on, announce. – Yeah, so this kind of changed it a little bit from how it looked on iOS 14, but that should give you an idea a little bit more how the notifications work and… – And what you said before, that one with the summary, can you just tell me again where to find that? – So the first thing you’ll want to do is go to the notification center, go to notifications and settings. – Okay. – And then what you’ll do from there is, here, I’ll walk you through this real quick. So, let me get back there. – Notifications, screen share, show previews, scheduled summary. – Scheduled. – Notifications, scheduled. So this one is, I think it’ll look a little different since you’ve not scheduled a summary, but you should be able to add one from there. And then pick a time on, pick the times when you want the scheduled summaries to go to, like when you want to see them on your phone. So if you only want them to show up at six o’clock at night, then that’s what they will do. And, or if you want them to show up at six in the morning, it’s four in the afternoon and 10 at night, you can do that. – Okay, so I’m, I’m Victor Reader. So you said go to notifications, then scheduled summary. – Yep. – Okay, so I got it. Notifications, good summary. Okay, now– – You should be able to get from there, and then you just have the apps that you want to appear in that scheduled summary. – Okay, thank you, Herbie, for that. – You’re welcome. All right. Okay. – There are no raised hands at this point. – There are no raised hands, okay. Well guys, I think we are going to wrap things up. So if you do have any final questions, comments, anything like that, this is your last opportunity to raise your hand. Just real quick, I do want to mention in the app store, if you go to the app store, you’ll find it a lot easier, instead of opening it directly, doing a three finger, a one finger triple tap. – Triple tap, okay. – Which will bring up the context menu, and that’s where you will find your search and your updates. And I find that a lot easier than actually opening the app store itself. So there is a quick tip for that. Next year’s presentations, I’ve got quite a few lined up. And the first one I think I’m going to talk about is find my end air tags. So I want to talk a little bit about how that works. And then we’re going to also talk about Autofill and Keychain. So that’s going to be coming up in February. And we’re going to talk about Apple Music, and I’m even going to compare it to Spotify a little bit, so you can get an idea of just what the two big music apps are like. And I also want to hear your suggestions. And you can email the bits list and I will see them. Or you can send me a direct email to herbie.allen, that’s H-E-R-B-I-E dot A-L-L-E-N at gmail.com. And let me know what things you’re interested in learning about. So that way I can really help customize these presentations even more so to what people would like to know. And there’s no such thing as a dumb idea or whatever. I will take them all under consideration. So I’m very glad to do that. So we definitely got, and then Apple TV is another one that I’m going to discuss as well. And I am going to do some third party apps as well. Somewhere along the line, I’m going to squeeze in some things like Uber and talk about that one. Maybe Lyft as well, but I must confess, I use Uber more than I use Lyft. But we can talk about Uber, Uber Eats, and DoorDash, and some grocery shopping apps as well, like Walmart. I’m primarily going to stick, of course, to Apple apps, but there are some important third party apps that I want to show people that I think everybody is going to most likely use. Bard is another one. So I’ve got quite a number of presentations lined up, but like I said, your feedback will also really help customize where we go in the future as well. So last call for raised hands. – Any other raised hands? Now’s the time to ask your question. – All right, well, I think we got them all speechless. – We’re good. Everybody’s smart. – I guess so. Maybe you guys don’t even need me. I don’t know. – I don’t know about that, Herbie. – All right. – Herbie, what was that tip to find? You just said it. The tip to find the app store without having to go through all that? – So once you, you have to go to the actual app store and you’re navigating to it, you can’t open it. – So you can’t, okay. – You can’t open it. So you have to navigate to it and then do a one finger triple tap. And I see we do have a raised hand. – Okay. – Do you have a raised hand? Just me one minute. Okay. – I’m sorry. Okay. – Okay, go ahead. – I just got completely a new kitchen with all Alexa appliances and they’re supposed to work with my phone. I haven’t had anything connected yet because I’m too scared and I have to have somebody to do it for me. But do you ever have a program where you’re going to have something about how to use all the appliances that you buy with something on your phone? – Ha ha ha ha. For that, you really wanna join Herbie’s Cooking Corner where I actually talk more about the kitchen stuff. And the only thing I’ve not made yet is Apple Pie or anything to do with Apple’s over there. But so first of all, I will mention that there is an Alexa app for the phone and you can get it from the app store just search for Amazon Alexa. It is accessible. I personally, I’m gonna tell you though, I am not a big fan of smart appliances especially when it comes to the kitchen. I like my simple knobs and anything that’s not connected to the internet for the simple reason that I want to be able to… We’ve had a few storms here that have affected like the internet. So I wanna be able to use my cooking equipment. – Oh, I never thought of that. – What? – I never thought of that. – Yeah, because I want stuff that if the… ‘Cause we’ve had situations where the electricity will remain on. Like we had a severe winter ice storm this last February and we had no problems with electricity but I think in this for that. And so we were just fine heating wise but the internet was a real problem and it was sometimes iffy at best. If it did work. And so, because I don’t have an internet based kitchen we’re still able to cook with no problems. And so, for me that’s kind of a big deal. So I would say if you get anything internet related make sure you have a way of accessing it without the internet just in case. – Sure that too. ACB also has another call called It’s Electric where they also talk about like smart appliances and stuff like that too. – Oh really? – Yes. It’s Wednesdays. I think the next one will be sometime. Like I think the next one will be next year. I don’t think there is one this. But if you’ve not done so make sure you subscribe to the ACB community calls at the community@acb.org where you will get a schedule in your email every day. So. – Oh no I get that. So I just never that one. – Yep. It’s electric would be another one. I will try to think of something but it is definitely not my level of expertise. And if anybody wants to ever talk about how to use smart appliances with your iPhone please email me off here at herbie.allan@gmail.com and we will talk more about setting up. It was a guest appearance on a future Apple Bites but you can use Alexa on your phone though. I will mention that. And it definitely comes in handy. And there are also Alexa buds or there are Bose headphones that also make use of Alexa. Right? You know, so if you want to wear those you still need the Alexa app but it can also make the experience a lot easier than just using it directly on the phone as well. So. – Thank you again. Thank you. – You’re welcome. All right guys. I think that’s a wrap though. I want to give my thanks to Erlene and the BITS organization and ACB as well for generously allowing us to have this call listed on their community as well. So thank you everyone. And we will see you next year. Have a great holiday everyone no matter what you celebrate or if you don’t celebrate. And you know, have a happy new year and there you go. So then we’ll see you next time. – And we want to just thank Herbie for a wonderful presentation and thank you all for being here tonight. Have a wonderful holiday. audible